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7.3 Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT)

7.3.5 TDDFT + PCM for Excitation and Emission Energies in Solution

(November 19, 2024)

As described in Section 11.2.3, polarizable continuum models (PCMs) are a simple means of including solvation effects in quantum chemistry calculations at the level of the dielectric continuum. In this section, the available options in Q-Chem for PCM solvation of TDDFT excited states are discussed. For further details on the associated keywords, see Sections and 11.2.4. For background information on PCM solvation models, see Ref.  529 Herbert J. M.
Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.: Comput. Mol. Sci.
(2021), 11, pp. e1519.

TDDFT can be combined with PCM in two different formalisms: linear response (LR)- and state-specific (SS)-PCM. The LR-PCM approach 167 Cammi R., Mennucci B.
J. Chem. Phys.
(1999), 110, pp. 9877.
, 529 Herbert J. M.
Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.: Comput. Mol. Sci.
(2021), 11, pp. e1519.
employs the transition density between the ground and excited state and describes the coupling between the excitation process on the solute and the solvent environment. (For more details, see Section LR-PCM entails only a minor additional computational cost. However, the use of the transition density limits its applicability to optically-allowed transitions, whereas the LR-PCM contribution vanishes for charge-transfer states or singlet to triplet excitations. In Q-Chem, TDDFT/LR-PCM is available for excitation energies, as well as excited-state energy gradients and Hessians, 798 Liu J., Liang W.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2013), 138, pp. 024101.
to allow for geometry optimization and vibrational frequency calculations as described in Section 7.3.6.

The state-specific PCM formalism 166 Cammi R. et al.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2005), 122, pp. 104513.
, 173 Caricato M. et al.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2006), 124, pp. 124520.
, 529 Herbert J. M.
Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.: Comput. Mol. Sci.
(2021), 11, pp. e1519.
is difference-density-based and takes into account the instantaneous response of the solvent to the change in the solute wave function. This contribution is not included with LR-PCM and is non-zero even for vanishing transition densities in optically-forbidden transitions. Q-Chem includes SS-PCM both as a perturbative correction 1420 You Z.-Q. et al.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2015), 143, pp. 204104.
, 879 Mewes J.-M. et al.
J. Phys. Chem. A
(2015), 119, pp. 5446.
(ptSS-PCM) as well as in two fully iterative implementations. Generally, the SS-PCM implementation for TDDFT follows closely the ADC(n)-family of methods described in Section 7.11.10. The ptSS-PCM approach, 1420 You Z.-Q. et al.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2015), 143, pp. 204104.
, 879 Mewes J.-M. et al.
J. Phys. Chem. A
(2015), 119, pp. 5446.
which is alternatively called corrected linear-response (cLR-PCM), 173 Caricato M. et al.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2006), 124, pp. 124520.
evaluates a state-specific correction based on the TDDFT excited state density for each calculated state. This first-order correction excludes the response of the excited state density to the state-specific reaction field, as to include this response requires an iterative procedure. The ptSS-PCM approach can be combined with a perturbative approximation to LR-PCM, ptLR-PCM. For more details, see Section

To go beyond a first-order correction, one of the iterative implementations of SS-PCM has to be used. Here, a state-specific Schrödinger equation is solved self-consistently via iterative optimization of the reaction field for a specific state. In Q-Chem, iterative SS-PCM is implemented either via external iteration (EI-SS-PCM, sometimes called the Improta-Barone-Scalmani-Frisch approach), 576 Improta R. et al.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2007), 127, pp. 074504.
or else via internal iteration (II-SS-PCM, otherwise known as the vertical excitation model or VEM). 850 Marenich A. V. et al.
Chem. Sci.
(2011), 2, pp. 2143.
Whereas ptSS-PCM adds only negligible computational cost, the iterative procedures increase it by a factor of the required number of iterations.

Excited-state solvation with TDDFT is available in two regimes: equilibrium and nonequilibrium solvation. Nonequilibrium solvation applies to fast processes (e.g., during vertical excitation or emission), in which the slow nuclear degrees of freedom of the solvent remain equilibrated with respect to the initial state. Hence, the solute has to be modeled for an out-of-equilibrium state of the (implicit) solvent, with only the fast electronic polarization of the solvent relaxed using the final state’s charge density. This fast solvent response is governed by the infinite-frequency or “optical” dielectric constant (ε), often taken to be the square of the solvent’s index of refraction: ε=n2refr. 529 Herbert J. M.
Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.: Comput. Mol. Sci.
(2021), 11, pp. e1519.
Equilibrium solvation, on the other hand, is appropriate for excited states with a sufficiently long lifetime to allow for complete relaxation of the solvent. Here, the zero-frequency or static dielectric constant (ε0) is the relevant one, as it includes all polarization mechanisms including both the fast electronic degrees of freedom and the slow vibrational and orientational degrees of freedom. Linear-Response PCM

LR-PCM for TDDFT is activated by setting TDDFT_LR_PCM = TRUE in the $pcm section. The default is a nonequilibrium calculation employing the optical dielectric constant ε for the excited state, whereas the static dielectric constant is employed for the ground-state solvation of the used MOs. This corresponds to the “full linear response theory” of Ref.  798 Liu J., Liang W.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2013), 138, pp. 024101.
. The value of ε is specified using the keyword OpticalDielectric in the $solvent input section, or can be chosen from a list of preset values as described in Section; an equilibrium calculation in the excited state could be requested by setting OpticalDielectric equal to the value of the solvent’s static dielectric constant.

A perturbative approximation to full LR-PCM is also available, along with state-specific corrections that are somewhat more theoretically rigorous, 529 Herbert J. M.
Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.: Comput. Mol. Sci.
(2021), 11, pp. e1519.
and have also been implemented for TDDFT. 879 Mewes J.-M. et al.
J. Phys. Chem. A
(2015), 119, pp. 5446.
, 1420 You Z.-Q. et al.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2015), 143, pp. 204104.
This approach is described in further detail below in Sections and If the C-PCM model is used, then analytical excited-state energy gradients are available for TDDFT + LR-PCM and are automatically used if LR-PCM is activated for TDDFT geometry optimization. As excited-state geometry optimization presupposes equilibration of the solute structure in the excited state, it is probably appropriate to employ the static dielectric constant for geometry optimization.

The LR-PCM approach considers the solvent response to the electronic transition density and provides only for optically-allowed transitions a non-vanishing contribution. Optically-forbidden transitions should be described with a state-specific PCM. This includes triplet excited states accessed from a singlet ground state and also charge-transfer states with a vanishing transition density

Example 7.9  TDDFT/LR-C-PCM low-lying vertical excitation energy

   0 1
   C    0.0   0.0   0.0
   O    0.0   0.0   1.21

   EXCHANGE         B3lyp
   CIS_N_ROOTS      10
   CIS_SINGLETS     true
   CIS_TRIPLETS     true
   RPA              TRUE
   BASIS            6-31+G*
   XC_GRID          1

   Theory   CPCM
   Method   SWIG
   Solver   Inversion
   Radii    Bondi

   Dielectric         78.39
   OpticalDielectric  1.777849

View output


       Controls LR-PCM for TDDFT, i.e., whether or not to add the LR-PCM contributions to the TDDFT eigenvalue problem.
       FALSE Do not do LR-PCM (0th-order solvent correction only). TRUE Perform full LR-PCM.
       Assuming that PCM solvation is turned on for the ground state (SOLVENT_METHOD = PCM in the $rem section), then disabling LR-PCM by setting TDDFT_LR_PCM = FALSE will afford a “0th-order” solvation correction, in which solvent-polarized MOs and energy levels are used in what is otherwise equivalent to a gas-phase TDDFT calculation. This is the first step in more sophisticated “nonequilibrium” TDDFT + PCM methods, which are discussed in Section The LR-PCM correction to the excitation energies has some peculiar properties, such as the fact that it vanishes for optically-forbidden states, 529 Herbert J. M.
Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.: Comput. Mol. Sci.
(2021), 11, pp. e1519.
and the state-specific approaches that are discussed in Section are likely preferable. State-Specific PCM

The state-specific PCM jobs are controlled with the StateSpecific keyword in the $pcm block, which can be employed to activate either a perturbative or one of the iterative SS-PCMs.

       Specifies which the state-specific PCM will be used.
       Perturb Perform ptSS and ptLR for vertical excitations. External Perform self-consistent EI-SS-PCM to the excited state (for emission). Internal Perform self-consistent II-SS-PCM to the excited state (for emission or excitation).
       Use for vertical excitation energies ptSS-PCM or in very polar cases the nonequilibrium II-SS-PCM, and equilibrium EI-SS-PCM for emission energies of long-lived excited states.

1. Perturbative State-Specific (ptSS) PCM

Perturbative state-specific PCM (ptSS-PCM) is activated by setting StateSpecific = Perturb in the $pcm block. By default, the ptSS correction is evaluated in the nonequilibrium regime governed by the optical dielectric constant (OpticalDielectric in the $solvent block). To force an equilibrium ptSS-PCM calculation, OpticalDielectric must be set to the static value, ε0. To separate the fast and slow contributions to the reaction field, the charge-separation procedure is chosen with the ChargeSeparation keyword (Marcus is the default, for more information, see Section Alternatively, setting NonEquilibrium = TRUE results in a default nonequilibrium ptSS-PCM calculation with Marcus charge separation and deactivated LR-PCM. The ptSS-PCM output provides for each calculated state both a ptSS and a ptLR-correction. In the nonequilibrium case, the corrected energy corresponds to the vertical excitation energy. Results are provided both with the unrelaxed density and the relaxed density, if the latter has been recommended. Results based on the relaxed density are recommended. 1420 You Z.-Q. et al.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2015), 143, pp. 204104.

       Activate nonequilibrium ptSS-PCM.
       TRUE Activate nonequilibrium ptSS-PCM. FALSE Deactivate nonequilibrium ptSS-PCM.
       NonEquilibrium activates a default ptSS-PCM calculation with Marcus charge separation and no additional LR-PCM.

       Partition fast and slow charges in solvent equilibrium state
       Marcus Do slow/fast charge separation with the Marcus partition. Pekar Do slow/fast charge separation with the Pekar partition.
       Charge separation is used in conjunction with the StateSpecific keyword in $pcm.

Example 7.10  PCM solvation effects on the vertical excitation energies of planar DMABN using the ptSS and ptLR methods.

   0  1
   C     0.000046   -0.000398    1.904953
   C     1.210027    0.000379    1.186051
   C     1.214640   -0.000065   -0.194515
   C     0.000164   -0.000616   -0.933832
   C    -1.214349   -0.001557   -0.194687
   C    -1.209753   -0.001846    1.185775
   H     2.151949    0.001377    1.722018
   H     2.164371    0.000481   -0.709640
   H    -2.164082   -0.002008   -0.709781
   H    -2.151763   -0.002287    1.721615
   C    -0.000227    0.001061    3.325302
   N    -0.000475    0.002405    4.484321
   N     0.000053   -0.000156   -2.297372
   C    -1.258656    0.001284   -3.036994
   H    -1.041042    0.001615   -4.102376
   H    -1.860897   -0.885647   -2.811117
   H    -1.859247    0.889133   -2.810237
   C     1.258563   -0.000660   -3.037285
   H     1.860651    0.886208   -2.810755
   H     1.859362   -0.888604   -2.811461
   H     1.040664   -0.000097   -4.102609

   EXCHANGE              LRC-wPBEPBE
   OMEGA                 260
   BASIS                 6-31G*
   CIS_N_ROOTS           10
   RPA                   2
   CIS_SINGLETS          1
   CIS_TRIPLETS          0

   Theory                 IEFPCM
   StateSpecific          Perturb

   Dielectric             35.688000       ! Acetonitrile
   OpticalDielectric      1.806874

View output

2. Iterative State-Specific PCM

The control options for iterative state-specific PCM follow the same setup as for the ADC(n)-family of methods described in Section 7.11.10. By setting the keyword EqSolv to the intended maximum number of iterations, self-consistent SS-PCM is activated for the reference state indicated in EqState. Iterations are performed until either the maximum number of iterations is reached or the convergence criteria are satisfied. These criteria are based on the excited-state energy and the surface charges and are set using Eqs_Conv. During the iterative optimization of the reaction field, states may change their ordering (root-flipping). Automatic state-following (EqState_Follow = true) based on a combination of the electrostatic potential at the surface, the energy changes, and excited state dipole moments is available. It performs well for separated states or states of substantially different character (i.e. charge-transfer and locally excited states) but can break down for similar states close to their crossing points.

Note that the excited state energy with iterative state-specific PCMs is only physically meaningful for the reference state (marked in the output as “EqS-reference”). For all other states, only energies relative to the self-consistent reference state can be interpreted. The iterative equilibrium SS-PCM output lists the emission energy to the ground state (only EI-SS-PCM), as well as transition energies to the other excited states (both EI- and II-SS-PCM) in zeroth- and first-order (with nonequilibrium ptSS correction). For nonequilibrium II-SS-PCM, only the vertical excitation energy to the self-consistently optimized excited state is physically meaningful. For the nonequilibrium II-SS-PCM and ptSS-PCM calculations, again the ChargeSeparation keyword is employed.

       Main switch of the self-consistent SS-PCM procedure.
       0 No self-consistent SS-PCM. 1 Single SS-PCM calculation (SCF + TDDFT) with the solvent field found on disk. n>1 Do a maximum of n automatic solvent-field iterations.
       We recommend to use 15 steps max. Typical convergence is 3–5 steps. In difficult cases 6–12. If the solvent-field iteration do not converge in 15 steps, something is wrong. For EI-SS-PCM jobs make sure a solvent field was written to disk by a previous job. II-SS-PCM will automatically begin by setting up the solvent field.

       Specifies the state for which the solvent field is to be optimized.
       1 energetically lowest excited state 2 2nd lowest excited state
       Given that only one class of excited states is calculated, the state will be selected according to its energetic position shown in the “Exited-State Summary” of the output file.

       Controls the convergence of the solvent-field iterations by setting the convergence criteria (a mixture of SCF energy (EI-SS-PCM) or excited state energy (II-SS-PCM) and charge-vector). SCF energy criterion computes as 10-value Eh.
       3 May be sufficient for emission energies 4 Assured converged total energies (2.7 meV) 5 Very tight
       Use the default.

       Controls the automatic state-following based on the electrostatic potential at the surface, excited state energy changes, and excited state dipole moments.
       TRUE Activate automatic state-following FALSE Deactivate automatic state-following.
       State-Following works well for separated states of different character and can become problematic for nearly degenerate states. It can be advisable to deactivate state-following if similar states are close.

2. (A) External-Iteration SS-PCM

EI-SS-PCM, otherwise known as Improta-Barone-Scalmani-Frisch PCM, 576 Improta R. et al.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2007), 127, pp. 074504.
is activated by setting StateSpecific = External in the $pcm section. EI-SS-PCM iterates over both the SCF and TDDFT calculation by returning the excited-state reaction field into a frozen-Reaction-Field (fRF) SCF. Prior to this, the reaction field has to be set up in a separate job by setting StateSpecific = External without adding the keyword EqSolv. In the following iterative job, the reference state (EqState) can then be chosen freely among the states calculated prior, and iterations can be restarted in the same way (e.g., to manually correct the automatic state-following). The EI-SS-PCM convergence is judged based on the change in the surface charge vector and the fRF-SCF energy, in order to converge all excited states to the same level. Additionally, the self-ptSS term indicates convergence though it is not used as an actual convergence criterion.

EI-SS-PCM is always performed as equilibrium solvation employing the full dielectric response of the solvent based on the static dielectric constant (Dielectric). Non-equilibrium emission and transition energies are calculated in first order at the ptSS-PCM level. EI-SS-PCM provides the correct solution of the state-specific Schrödinger equation without contamination from the ground state MOs, and hence, should be used whenever the excited state is to be treated on equal footing with the ground state.

Example 7.7.11  TDDFT with External Iteration SS-PCM for nitrate in acetonitrile.

   -1 1
   N    -0.068642000000     -0.600693000000     -0.723424000000
   O     0.349666000000      0.711166000000      1.187490000000
   O    -0.948593000000      0.200668000000     -0.956940000000
   O     0.659040000000     -0.386002000000      0.402650000000

   jobtype    ¯¯         sp
   method ¯¯             PBE0
   basis  ¯¯¯           3-21g
point_group_symmetry False
   cis_n_roots             2           ! Number of excited states
   cis_singlets            true
   cis_triplets            false
   rpa                     false       ! Tamm-Dancoff approximation
   cis_moments             true        ! Excited state multipole moments
   cis_relaxed_density     true        ! Excited state density relaxation
   solvent_method        ¯ pcm

   StateSpecific           External    ! Keyword for External Iteration SS-PCM
   LinearResponse          false       ! Switch of LR-PCM

   Dielectric              35.68800    ! Acetonitrile
   OpticalDielectric       1.806874



   jobtype ¯¯             sp
   method ¯¯             PBE0
   basis ¯¯¯             3-21g
point_group_symmetry False
   cis_n_roots             2
   cis_singlets            true
   cis_triplets            false
   rpa                     false
   cis_moments             true
   cis_relaxed_density     true
   solvent_method          pcm

   StateSpecific           External
   Eqsolv                  15          ! Max. Number of iterations
   Eqstate                 1           ! Ref. State to be equilibrated
   Eqs_Conv                4           ! Conv. criterion for SCF energy and surface charges
   EqState_Follow          true        ! State Following to remain on the same Ref. State
   LinearResponse          false

   Dielectric              35.68800    ! Acetonitrile
   OpticalDielectric       1.806874

View output

2. (B) Internal-Iteration SS-PCM

II-SS-PCM, otherwise known as the vertical excitation model (VEM), 850 Marenich A. V. et al.
Chem. Sci.
(2011), 2, pp. 2143.
is activated by setting the keyword StateSpecific = Internal. II-SS-PCM retains the same ground state wave-function in the iterations but exchanges the ground and excited-state reaction field during the TDDFT calculation. This leads to slight contamination of the excited state by the ground state MOs. II-SS-PCM is available both for equilibrium (adiabatic excitation model, AEM) and nonequilibrium (VEM), and with either the full matrix (f) or only the diagonal elements (d) of the excited state reaction field, as described in Ref.  850 Marenich A. V. et al.
Chem. Sci.
(2011), 2, pp. 2143.
. To choose the exact model, the keyword InternalIteration is set to VEM(d), VEM(f), AEM(d), or AEM(f). In contrast to EI-SS-PCM, the II-SS-PCM approach automatically begins with a setup calculation to produce the initial excited state reaction field for the iterations, which then cannot be restarted. To still allow besides the automatic also for manual state following, a specific sequence of states can be listed by appending the chosen method in InternalIteration with -state. The sequence is terminated by a zero, after which state-following is re-engaged. For II-SS-PCM, convergence is judged on the reference state energy and the surface charge vector.

A nonequilibrium II-SS-PCM or VEM calculation corresponds to an iterative version of nonequilibrium ptSS-PCM for vertical excitation energies. Here, also the response of the density to the fast excited state reaction field is included. Hence, the VEM result for the converged reference state (indicated by “EqS-reference” in the output) corresponds to the vertical excitation energy, while the other states have no physical meaning.

Equilibrium II-SS-PCM or AEM, on the other hand, provides the excited reference state energy and transition energies to other excited states. However, emission energies from the reference state to the ground state are adiabatic because the ground state orbitals are not affected by the excited state reaction field. To obtain vertical emission energies, a further fRF ground state calculation has to be performed by setting RF_ptSS_Save = true and loading the reaction field in a consecutive job by setting RF_ptSS_Read = true. See Section 7.8.6 for further information.

       Controls the used internal iteration SS-PCM model. Additionally, a sequence of state to be followed can be appended after adding -state.
       VEM(f) Activate nonequilibrium II-SS-PCM (VEM) with the full matrix contribution. VEM(d) Activate nonequilibrium II-SS-PCM (VEM) with only diagonal matrix elements. AEM(f) Activate equilibrium II-SS-PCM (AEM) with the full matrix contribution. AEM(d) Activate equilibrium II-SS-PCM (AEM) with only diagonal matrix elements. …-state x y z … 0 Specify sequence of states to be followed (terminate with 0).
       The nonequilibrium versions (VEM) provide vertical excitation energies, while in equilibrium (AEM) the initial state for emission energies is prepared. By attaching the -state ending an explicit sequence of states to be followed can be provided. After terminating with a zero, state-following will be re-engaged.

Example 7.7.12  TDDFT with Internal Iteration SS-PCM and the additional ground state calculation for vertical emission energies of nitrate in acetonitrile.

   -1 1
   N    -0.068642000000     -0.600693000000     -0.723424000000
   O     0.349666000000      0.711166000000      1.187490000000
   O    -0.948593000000      0.200668000000     -0.956940000000
   O     0.659040000000     -0.386002000000      0.402650000000

   jobtype ¯¯             sp
   method ¯¯             PBE0
   basis ¯¯¯             3-21g
point_group_symmetry False
   cis_n_roots             4           ! Number of excited states
   cis_singlets            true
   cis_triplets            false
   rpa                     false       ! Tamm-Dancoff approximation
   cis_moments             true        ! Excited state multipole moments
   cis_relaxed_density     true        ! Excited state density relaxation
   solvent_method          pcm

   StateSpecific           Internal    ! Keyword for Internal Iteration SS-PCM
   ChargeSeparation        MARCUS      ! Keyword for the charge separation
   InternalIteration       AEM(f)      ! Procedure (VEM(f), VEM(d), AEM(f), or AEM(d)) + state sequence (add e.g.: -state 1 3 1 0)
   Eqsolv                  10          ! Max. Number of iterations
   Eqstate                 1           ! Ref. State to be equilibrated
   Eqs_Conv                4           ! Conv. criterion for SCF energy and surface charges
   EqState_Follow          true        ! State Following to remain on the same Ref. State
   theory                  iefpcm      ! PCM Theory (else CPCM)
   rf_ptss_save            true        ! Save the eq. reaction field of Ref. State
   LinearResponse          false       ! Switch of LR-PCM

   Dielectric              35.68800    ! Acetonitrile
   OpticalDielectric       1.806874



   jobtype                 sp
   method ¯¯             PBE0
   basis                   3-21g
point_group_symmetry False
   solvent_method          pcm

   theory                  iefpcm
   rf_ptss_read            true        ! Flag to read the reaction field and do RF-ptSS calc

   Dielectric              35.68800    ! Acetonitrile
   OpticalDielectric       1.806874

View output