The derivatives of electrostatic potential (ESP) with respect to positions give electric fields, which is a fundamental physical quantity that has been shown to play an important role in applications ranging from vibrational spectroscopy to molecular and enzyme catalysis. Similar to the case of ESP, Q-Chem is able to compute the values of E-field on nuclear positions or a given grid, which is also controlled by the $rem variable ESP_GRID. The calculation of electric field is turned on when the value of ESP_EFIELD :
Triggers the calculation of ESP and/or electric field at nuclear positions or on a given
grid of points
Compute ESP only
Compute both ESP and electric field
Compute electric field only
Example 10.25 Calculate the electric field on the nuclear positions of a water molecule
$molecule 0 1 O -0.9112629280 1.0922672019 1.0200719528 H -1.7568362275 1.5186695533 1.2826042030 H -0.5592940377 1.7449530375 0.3694007293 $end $rem METHOD b3lyp BASIS cc-pvtz ESP_GRID 0 ESP_EFIELD 2 ! compute E-field on atomic positions $end
Q-Chem 6 supports two DFT-based electronic structure methods for the evaluation of
electric fields (and also ESPs) arising from a chemical environment (e.g. solvents)
at the specific sites of a “probe” molecule (typically at the atomic positions).
These methods, whose details are provided in Ref.
Nat. Chem.
pp. 891.
, involve a
partition of the electron density of the entire system into those belonging to the
central system and to the environment. The first approach is based on the SPADE
partitioning scheme (see Section 11.6.1),
J. Chem. Theory Comput.
pp. 1053.
transforms the converged occupied MOs obtained from a standard SCF calculation
and then assigns them to different parts of a system. The second approach is based
on DFT calculations using absolutely localized molecular orbitals
(ALMOs, see Section 12.5.1),
J. Chem. Phys.
pp. 204105.
which invokes fragmentation of the supersystem from the beginning
and the fragment MOs are then variationally optimized when they are polarized by other
fragments. Both of these methods then construct the electron density for the
“environment” part of the supersystem () using the correspondingly
assigned occupied MOs, and the ESP and electric field at a specific site of the central
“probe” system can be calculated using the electron density and nuclear charges of the
environment. Denoting the embedded central system and its environment as S and
E, respectively, the ESP and electric field vector at site (
and ) can be evaluated using
(10.36) |
(10.37) |
The current implementation of these methods requires two Q-Chem jobs to be performed for a single environment ESP and electric field calculation. In the first job, one performs an SCF or SCF-MI calculation and generate the occupied MOs or electron density assigned to the environment; in the second job, the environment MOs or electron density is read in and the ESP and electric fields are calculated using Eqs. (10.36) and (10.37). Note that in the second job, the embedded central system (“probe”) is represented using ghost atoms to probe the nuclear positions; and for SPADE and ALMO the SCF_GUESS for the 2nd job must be READ and READ_DEN, respectively. To evaluate the potential and field at the nuclear positions of the central system, one should set ESP_GRID = 0; for other options (e.g. evaluating the ESP and its gradient on grid points), one should refer to the documentation of “ESP_GRID” in Section 10.5.8.
Calculate the environment ESP/E-field using ALMO-based partitioning
In job 1, it saves the electron density for the environment constructed from ALMOs;
In job 2, it reads in the electron density
(must be together with SCF_GUESS = READ_DEN)
Don’t do ALMO-based ESP/field calculations
Required for both jobs in ALMO-based electric field calculations
Specify the index of the probe fragment in ALMO-based ESP and electric field calculations
Specify the th fragment as the probe
Example 10.26 Using the SPADE partitioning method to calculate the ESP and electric field arising from the environment (the second HO molecule) at the atomic positions of the 1st HO
$molecule 0 1 -- 0 1 O -1.551007 -0.114520 0.000000 H -1.934259 0.762503 0.000000 H -0.599677 0.040712 0.000000 -- 0 1 O 1.350625 0.111469 0.000000 H 1.680398 -0.373741 -0.758561 H 1.680398 -0.373741 0.758561 $end $rem jobtype sp method b3lyp basis 6-31G(d) env_method b3lyp gen_scfman_embed true spade_partition true scf_convergence 8 embedding_early_stop true ! skip the embedded SCF integral_symmetry false point_group_symmetry false $end @@@ $molecule 0 1 @O -1.551007 -0.114520 0.000000 @H -1.934259 0.762503 0.000000 @H -0.599677 0.040712 0.000000 O 1.350625 0.111469 0.000000 H 1.680398 -0.373741 -0.758561 H 1.680398 -0.373741 0.758561 $end $rem method b3lyp basis 6-31G(d) scf_guess read skip_scfman true ! generate results directly from the MOs read in esp_grid 0 esp_efield 1 ! compute ESP and E-field on atomic positions integral_symmetry false point_group_symmetry false $end
Example 10.27 Using ALMO-based partitioning to calculate the ESP and electric field arising from the environment (the second HO molecule) at the atomic positions of the 1st HO
$molecule 0 1 -- 0 1 O -1.551007 -0.114520 0.000000 H -1.934259 0.762503 0.000000 H -0.599677 0.040712 0.000000 -- 0 1 O 1.350625 0.111469 0.000000 H 1.680398 -0.373741 -0.758561 H 1.680398 -0.373741 0.758561 $end $rem jobtype sp method b3lyp basis 6-31G(d) scf_convergence 8 frgm_method stoll ! doing SCF-MI (ALMO) calculation scfmi_mode 1 almo_efield true ! save electron density belonging to the 2nd fragment integral_symmetry false point_group_symmetry false $end @@@ $molecule 0 1 @O -1.551007 -0.114520 0.000000 @H -1.934259 0.762503 0.000000 @H -0.599677 0.040712 0.000000 O 1.350625 0.111469 0.000000 H 1.680398 -0.373741 -0.758561 H 1.680398 -0.373741 0.758561 $end $rem jobtype sp method b3lyp basis 6-31G(d) scf_guess read_den almo_efield true ! with read_den, this will read in the density saved in the 1st job skip_scfman true esp_grid 0 esp_efield 1 ! compute ESP and E-field on atomic positions integral_symmetry false point_group_symmetry false $end