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12.10 The XPol+SAPT (XSAPT) Method

12.10.4 Running an XSAPT+MBD Job

(May 7, 2024)

In order to run an XSAPT job, at least two separate jobs must be run, a third is optional and suggested in the case where the induction energy in the system is supsected of being important. The first job that must be run is a second-order SAPT job without charge embedding on the full system. This job provides the value for the electrostatic term, the exchange term, and the dispersion term. (For an XSAPT+MBD method 183 Carter-Fenk K. et al.
J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
(2019), 10, pp. 2706.
job, the dispersion value will be the dispersion value obtained from the MBD calculation). The second job that needs to be run is a SAPT job with charge embedding on the full system. This SAPT job with charge embedding acts as a correction for the induction energy and must be run on each pair of monomers. The final induction energy for an XSAPT job is then the induction energy from the SAPT job without charge embedding plus the difference between the total SAPT energy with charge embedding minus the total SAPT energy without charge embedding. In equation form, the XSAPT contribution to the induction energy would be:


Here the term in brackets is the difference between the charge-embedded energy for the AB dimer and the SAPT energy computed without charge embedding. Therefore, the electrostatic, exchange, and dispersion energy would be the equivalent to the same terms calculated from a normal SAPT calculation, it is the induction energy that changes upon an XSAPT calculation. An additional calculation can be performed to further correct the induction energy, this is the δHF calculation, which accounts for higher than second-order induction energy. The resulting delta(SCF) energy term is then added to the induction energy term calculated as described above.

The above procedure is the required procedure for performing an XSAPT (+δHF) calculaiton on a dimer complex. In order to perform an XAPT (+δHF) calculation on an n-mer complex, several more calculations need to be performed. The first of which is to run a SAPT job with charge embedding on each pair of monomers. This is required because the polarization of the dimers differs from that of the dimers embedded in the charges of the entire system. The second set of jobs, if the δHF correction is being performed, is a δHF job on every pair of monomers. These sets of jobs will again provide a correction to the induction energy for the system.

Two scripts to help the user perform an XSAPT+MBD+δHF calculation exist in the $QC/bin/tools directory. The script named xsapt_creation.py creates three files for an arbitrary geometry (defined by the user), a SAPT job without embedding, a SAPT job with embedding, and a δHF job. See the script for instructions on how to use and modify the script for personal use. The other script named xsapt_data_collection.py looks through the output files of the three jobs created by xsapt_creation.py and performs the needed arithmetic to obtain the correct energy decomposition for an XSAPT+MBD+δHF job. See the script for instructions on how to use and modify it for personal use.

Example 12.42  AO-XSAPT(KS)+D3 calculation of water-water interaction.

0 1
   0 1
   O  -1.551007  -0.114520   0.000000
   H  -1.934259   0.762503   0.000000
   H  -0.599677   0.040712   0.000000
   0 1
   O   1.350625   0.111469   0.000000
   H   1.680398  -0.373741  -0.758561
   H   1.680398  -0.373741   0.758561

   JOBTYPE            xsapt
   EXCHANGE           gen
   BASIS              aug-cc-pVTZ
   MEM_TOTAL          46000
   MEM_STATIC         4000
   AO2MO_DISK         35000
   CHELPG_DX          5
   CHELPG_HEAD        30
   CHELPG_H           110
   CHELPG_HA          590

   embed   charges
   charges CHELPG
   print   3

   algorithm     ao  ! for use with +aiD dispersion
   order         2   ! 2nd-order SAPT
   basis         projected
   Dispersion    aiD3
   print         3

   x   wPBE  1.0
   c   PBE   1.0
