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7.4 Real-Time SCF Methods

7.4.5 Real-Time Extension of TAO-DFT (RT-TAO)

(May 7, 2024)

In order to investigate the time-dependent dynamics of large, strongly correlated systems starting from the ground state, and with a focus on minimizing computational complexity, Hung-Yi Tsai and Prof. Jeng-Da Chai have extended thermally-assisted-occupation density functional theory (TAO-DFT) 210 Chai J.-D.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2012), 136, pp. 154104.
to real-time TAO-DFT (RT-TAO). 1283 Tsai H-Y., Chai J.-D.
(2023), 28, pp. 7247.
The RT-TAO method is initiated with a TAO-DFT calculation (refer to Section 5.12.3) and is followed by time propagation (refer to Section 7.4). The computational cost associated with RT-TAO is comparable to that of time-dependent Kohn-Sham, and it becomes equivalent to the cost of time-dependent Kohn-Sham in the absence of significant static correlation effects.

To perform an RT-TAO calculation, users are instructed to set TAO_DFT = TRUE and TDKS = TRUE in the $rem input section. Additional job control options are detailed in Section 5.12.3 and Section 7.4.2.

RT-TAO, serving as a real-time extension of TAO-DFT, is governed by a fictitious temperature parameter denoted as θ. Setting TAO_DFT_THETA = 0 brings the method back to the ordinary time-dependent Kohn-Sham. 1283 Tsai H-Y., Chai J.-D.
(2023), 28, pp. 7247.
In the adiabatic approximation, alongside the exchange-correlation (XC) functional, an additional functional Eθ[ρ] is required for RT-TAO.

Two illustrative examples of RT-TAO calculations are provided:

Example 7.31  RT-TAO-ALDA, spin-restricted calculation on stretched H2

   0 1
   H 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
   H 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000

   BASIS               6-31G*
   EXCHANGE            gen
   TDKS                true
   TAO_DFT             true
   TAO_DFT_THETA       40   ! theta = 40 mhartree
   TAO_DFT_THETA_NDP   3    ! default

   X   S             1.0
   C   PW92          1.0
   X   ETheta_LDA    1.0

   DT             0.05
   MAXITER        10 ! for production, want a much larger value
   FIELD_VECTOR   1 1 1
   FIELD_TYPE     delta
   FIELD_AMP      0.0001

Example 7.32  RT-TAO-ALDA, spin-unrestricted calculation on stretched H2

   0 1
   H 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
   H 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000

   UNRESTRICTED        true
   BASIS               6-31G*
   EXCHANGE            gen
   TDKS                true
   TAO_DFT             true
   TAO_DFT_THETA       40   ! theta = 40 mhartree
   TAO_DFT_THETA_NDP   3    ! default
   SCF_GUESS           gwh
   SCF_GUESS_MIX       3    ! mix in 30% LUMO in alpha to break symmetry

   X   S             1.0
   C   PW92          1.0
   X   ETheta_LDA    1.0

   DT             0.05
   MAXITER        10 ! for production, want a much larger value
   FIELD_VECTOR   1 1 1
   FIELD_TYPE     delta
   FIELD_AMP      0.0001