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7.8 Restricted Open-Shell and ΔSCF Methods

7.8.6 Non-equilibrium Solvation for ROKS and ΔSCF Methods

(September 1, 2024)

Both ΔSCF calculations (e.g., based on MOM) and ROKS calculations can be performed with continuum solvation effects modeled by a polarizable continuum model (PCM). (The solvation model itself is described in Section 11.2.3.) As for the ground state, the self-consistent PCM treatment along the SCF procedure provides equilibrium solvation of the calculated excited state (set SOLVENT_METHOD = PCM and include the $pcm block). During equilibrium solvation, both slow (nuclear) and fast (electronic) solvent degrees of freedom are relaxed (governed by Dielectric in the $solvent block), as is appropriate for long-lived states. However, fast vertical excitation or emission occurs on a shorter timescale, requiring the relaxation of only the fast electronic solvent polarization (governed by Dielectric_Infi, see Section In Q-Chem, such nonequilibrium solvation effects can be included to first order with a perturbative state-specific (ptSS) correction. 1420 You Z.-Q. et al.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2015), 143, pp. 204104.
, 879 Mewes J.-M. et al.
J. Phys. Chem. A
(2015), 119, pp. 5446.

To begin with, a nonequilibrium ΔSCF or ROKS calculation requires equilibrium solvation of the initial state (ground state for absorption and excited state for emission). By activating RF_ptSS_Save= true in the $pcm block, the equilibrated reaction field is then stored on disk. Setting RF_ptSS_Read = true in an arbitrary later job for the final state reads the reaction field again. This automatically triggers a frozen reaction-field (fRF) SCF with the stored reaction field of the initial state. The resulting SCF energy corresponds to a zeroth order calculation of the final state in the reaction field of the initial state. To obtain the first-order nonequilibrium result, the fast solvent polarization is relaxed for the final state by adding a perturbative ptSS correction, which is printed after the converged fRF-SCF calculation.

       Save the current reaction field to disk.
       TRUE Save the reaction field in the current job. FALSE Do not save the reaction field in the current job.
       The reaction field is saved for the reference state, which is for ΔSCF or ROKS just the SCF result, but for TDDFT + II-SS-PCM the chosen reference state (see Section Activating RF_ptSS_SAVE for several subsequent jobs overwrites the reaction field.

       Read the reaction field from disk and perform a fRF-SCF + ptSS-PCM calculation with it.
       TRUE Read the reaction field in the current job. FALSE Do not read the reaction field in the current job.
       The SCF result corresponds to zeroth order solvation of the final state. For first-order nonequilibrium solvation add the ptSS correction printed after the fRF-SCF.

Example 7.52  Vertical emission energy of formaldehyde in acetonitrile with ROKS + PCM and a nonequilibrium ptSS-PCM correction.

   jobtype             sp
   method              PBE0
   basis               def2-SVP
   scf_convergence     8
point_group_symmetry False
   solvent_method      pcm
   theory              iefpcm
   rf_ptss_save        true            ! Save the final ground state reaction field
   Dielectric          35.688000       ! Acetonitrile
   Dielectric_Infi     1.806874
   0 1
   H      -0.940372    0.000000    1.268098
   H       0.940372    0.000000    1.268098
   C       0.000000    0.000000    0.682557
   O       0.000000    0.000000   -0.518752


   method              PBE0
   jobtype             sp
   basis               def2-SVP
   scf_guess           read
   roks                true
   unrestricted        false
   scf_convergence     8
point_group_symmetry False
   solvent_method      pcm
   theory              iefpcm
   rf_ptss_read        true            ! Read the prior reaction field and start fRF-SCF
   Dielectric          35.688000       ! Acetonitrile
   Dielectric_Infi     1.806874
   0 1