The many dimensions of electronic wave functions makes them difficult to
analyze and interpret. It is often convenient to reduce this large number of
dimensions, yielding simpler functions that can more readily provide chemical
insight. The most familiar of these is the one-electron density ρ(𝐫),
which gives the probability of an electron being found at the point 𝐫.
Analogously, the one-electron momentum density π(𝐩) gives the
probability that an electron will have a momentum of 𝐩. However, the
wave function is reduced to the one-electron density much information is lost.
In particular, it is often desirable to retain explicit two-electron
information. Intracules are two-electron distribution functions and provide
information about the relative position and momentum of electrons. A
detailed account of the different type of intracules can be found in
Theor. Chem. Acc.
pp. 241.
. Q-Chem’s intracule package was developed by
Aaron Lee and Nick Besley, and can compute the following intracules for or HF
wave functions:
Position intracules, P(u): describes the probability of finding two electrons separated by a distance u.
Momentum intracules, M(v): describes the probability of finding two electrons with relative momentum v.
Wigner intracule, W(u,v): describes the combined probability of finding two electrons separated by u and with relative momentum v.