Changes to default behavior:
Made default SCF convergence criterion for supersystem and fragment jobs in EDA and BSSE calculations consistent (Yuezhi Mao)
General features and improvements:
Enabled mixed basis for AUTOSAD guess (Kevin Carter-Fenk, Yuezhi Mao, John Herbert)
Enabled compatibility with the NBO7 program (John Herbert)
Implementation of intrinsic bond orbital (IBO) analysis (Alexander Zech, Christopher Stein, Abdulrahman Aldossary, Martin Head-Gordon)
Resolved issues with:
frequency job failure when number of threads is thrice larger than number of atoms
frequency job failure when CPSCF segments are equal to number of atoms
incorrect alpha density generated when using new plots section format
Density functional theory and self-consistent field:
Enabled analytic Hessian for TPPS/TM/SCAN TDDFT calculations
Added printing of information about memory requirements for TDDFT (John Herbert)
Added an experimental implementation of the X2C method for relativistic quantum chemistry (Diptarka Hait, Leonardo Cunha, Richard Kang, Martin Head-Gordon)
Improved CIS/TDA/RPA guess to avoid missing roots
Implementation of projection-based embedding with complex basis functions (Valentina Parravicini, Thomas Jagau)
Improved performance of the GOSTSHYP method through integral screening (Felix Zeller, Tim Neudecker, Eric Berquist)
Resolved issues with:
AIFDEM crash when a larger fragment is listed first
NAN in SCF energies using VV10 functionals
unrestricted RPA TDDFT analytic Hessian for singlet excited state
failure to compute non-adiabatic couplings (NACs) using pure TDDFT
incorrect TDDFT energies with FAST_XAS using multiple threads
incorrect results from projection-based embedding using LRC-DFT as the low-level theory (Yuezhi Mao)
incompletely converged energies in RPA calculations
failure to evaluate spin-orbit integrals in TDDFT SOC calculations
GPU acceleration of unrestricted pure DFT gradient when using BrianQC
incorrect ROHF gradient when using BrianQC
Correlated methods:
Implementation of CCSD damped polarizability and first hyperpolarizability (Kaushik Nanda)
Resolved issues with:
wrongfully activated ECD properties with EOM-IP-CCSD (Josefine Andersen, Sonia Coriani)
convergence issues in EOM-DIP and EOM-DEA methods
symmetry check for v2RDM (Rain Li, Eugene DePrince)
failure to write ASCI energy to checkpoint files
Molecular dynamics:
Enabled the use of new SCF drivers (GEN_SCFMAN = TRUE) in path integral MD
Resolved issues with:
missing energy-component file for AIMD when GEN_SCFMAN=TRUE
Fragment and energy decomposition analysis:
When EDA2_MOM is used with EDA_BSSE, apply IMOM to BSSE calculations with ghost atoms to prevent collapsing to the lower-energy states (Yuezhi Mao)
Allowed SCFMI_MOM and EDA2_MOM to preserve the electronic configuration of the frozen state (Yuezhi Mao)
Multiple stability improvements in ALMO-EDA (Yuezhi Mao)
Implemented non-perturbative CT analysis for ALMO-EDA (Hengyuan Shen, Srimukh Prasad, Martin Head-Gordon)
Resolved issues with:
final print of the one-side CT energy in VFB CT analysis incorrectly contained the contribution from SMD’s CDS (non-electrostatic) term, when using the SMD solvent model (Yuezhi Mao)
double-counting of environment frozen core orbitals with default N_FROZEN_CORE setting for projection-based embedding (Yuezhi Mao)
display of preparation energy for ALMO-EDA (Yuezhi Mao)
many-body expansion (MBE) geometry optimization (John Herbert)
convergence of linear solvers for orthogonal frozen decomposition (Yuezhi Mao)
the dispersion term in classic frozen decomposition in non-Aufbau ALMO-EDA (Yuezhi Mao)
Disabled analytic force calculation with projection-based embedding (Yuezhi Mao)
Disabled complex SCF for fragment jobs (Yuezhi Mao)
Resolved issue with NAN printing efield file for in QM/MM calculations when external charges are set to zero
Added warning that CDFT does not support algorithms other than DIIS and RCA (Yuezhi Mao)
Added warning when 3c methods are used without recommended basis sets (John Herbert)
Added NBO version number in output (John Herbert)
Fixed minor spelling errors in the printing of TDDFT (Bushra Alam, John Herbert)
Changes to default behavior:
Renamed Onsanger SOLVENT_METHOD to Kirkwood (John Herbert)
Updated the SM8 solvation model to use Cartesian Gaussians (PURCAR = 2222) (John Herbert)
Renamed spin-specific keywords to EA_ALPHA, EA_BETA, IP_ALPHA and IP_BETA (Wojtek Skomorowski)
General features and improvements:
Added Intrinsic Atomic Orbitals (IAO) and Intrinsic Bond Orbitals (IBO) (Abdulrahman Aldossary, Alexander Zech, Christopher Stein)
Added a new localization method, Oxidation State Localized Orbitals (OSLO) (Abdulrahman Aldossary, Alexander Zech, Christopher Stein)
Included installation of Romberg utilities
Density functional theory and self-consistent field:
Implemented hybrid functionals for TAO-DFT (Shaozhi Li, Jeng-Da Chai)
Improved efficiency of range-separated DFT frequency calculations when run in parallel with shared memory and multithreading
Added option to turn off ground-state PCM calculations for TDDFT (John Herbert)
Added option to enforce level shifting in every SCF cycle for state-targeted energy projection (STEP) (Kevin Carter-Fenk)
Implemented projection-based embedding for unrestricted calculations (Yuezhi Mao)
Added printing of more digits for the TDDFT transition strength
Improved SCF guess for optimization jobs using BASIS2
Resolved issues with:
segmentation fault in CIS frequency calculations when using libqints
index out of bounds error with TDKS sample in manual (Hung-Yi Tsai, Jeng-Da Chai)
errors in unrestricted TDDFT Hessian calculations
small error in RPA excitation energies
incorrect SCF energy with libqints-based SRC-DFT
crash when computing numerical derivatives with BASIS = GEN
crash while running large frequency jobs due to insufficient memory in CPSCF
incorrect evaluation of iterative Hirshfeld charges (Abdulrahman Aldossary)
Correlated methods:
Added options for custom scaling in complex basis function calculations (Florian Matz, Thomas Jagau)
Improved projected CAP-EOM-CC (James Gayvert)
Implemented EOM-DEA-CCSD two-photon absorption (Kaushik Nanda, Sahil Gulania, Anna Krylov)
Implemented complex-valued CC2 and RI-CCSD (Cansu Utku, Garrette Pauley Paran, Thomas Jagau)
Implemented effective nuclear charge approximation for SOCs using EOM (Saikiran Kotaru, Anna Krylov)
Resolved issues with:
freezing string method (FSM) reading SCF energy instead of correlated energy value
missing triples corrections for EOM calculations in ccman2 (Pavel Pokhilko)
using frozen core and virtual orbitals in projector-based embedding calculations (Yuezhi Mao)
Large systems, QM/MM, and solvation:
Implemented user-defined permittivity grid for Poisson equation solver (PEqS) (Suranjan Kumar Paul)
Enabled SCRF for GEN_SCFMAN-based ROHF/ROKS calculations (Yuezhi Mao)
Implemented state-specific PCM/TDDFT (SS-PCM/TDDFT) method based on the constrained equilibrium theory (Haisheng Ren, Fan Wang, Xiangyuan Li, Yingli Su)
Improved GROMACS QM/MM interface (Vale Cofer-Shabica)
Improved gradient performance of the SM8 solvation model (John Herbert)
Improved memory usage of the SM8 solvation model (John Herbert)
Added TDDFT_LR_PCM to control linear-response solvent correction (John Herbert)
Fragment and energy decomposition analysis:
Enabled the linearized approximation in projection-based embedding (Yuezhi Mao)
Implemented POD2L and POD2GS for projection operator diabatization (POD) (Yuezhi Mao)
Enabled calculation of couplings between multiple pairs of diabatic orbitals for POD (Yuezhi Mao)
Added printing of separate energy components in the SAPT output (John Herbert)
Changes to default behavior:
Use of automatically generated superposition of atomic densities SCF guess for custom basis sets (Yuezhi Mao, Kevin Carter-Fenk)
Use atomic size-corrected Becke weights for CDFT (Kevin Carter-Fenk)
General features and improvements:
New methods to distort molecules using force and pressure: HCFF, X-HCFF, GOSTSHYP (Tim Stauch, Maximilian Scheurer)
Overhauled library of standard basis sets for consistency with Basis Set Exchange and extended support through element 118
Improved stability of ECP fitting and updated definitions of fitted ECPs (CRENBS, CRENBL, HWMB, LACVP, LANL2DZ, SBKJC)
Evaluation of electric field at nuclei (Yuezhi Mao)
Frequency calculations for rigid fixed-atom constraints (Saswata Dasgupta)
Save additional calculation output files to unique folder
Resolved issues with:
inconsistent application of quadrupole field to resolve orbital degeneracies
definition of jun-cc-pVDZ basis set (John Herbert)
some jobs crashing with the FILE_SET_SYM_REP read error
cleaning up in PES scan jobs on Windows
unnecessary gradient evaluation at every point of frozen PES scan
Features and improvements in density functional theory and self-consistent field:
TAO-DFT for global hybrid GGAs (Jeng-Da Chai)
Vibronic and resonance Raman spectroscopy (Xunkun Huang, Huili Ma, WanZhen Liang)
Integrated DFT-D4 empirical dispersion model (Kuan-Yu Liu, Romit Chakraborty)
New implementation of direct propagation of the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equation (real-time TDKS) with support for unrestricted SCF and implicit solvation (Ying Zhu, John Herbert)
State-targeted energy projection method (Kevin Carter-Fenk, John Herbert)
Multiple improvements to frozen-density embedding methods (Cristina Gonzalez-Espinoza, Alexander Zech, Tomasz A. Wesolowski)
Faster algorithm for ωGDD tuning (John Herbert)
Improvements in the IP/EA omega tuning scripts for long range corrected functionals (John Herbert)
Support for high angular momentum in DFT frequency calculations
Superposition of atomic potentials (SAP) guess for SCF (Yu Zhang, Susi Lehtola)
Expand density functionals available for NMR chemical shift calculations (Jiashu Liang, Khadiza Begam, Barry Dunietz, Yihan Shao)
Nuclear gradient and analytical 2nd functional derivative of the VV10 functional (Jiashu Liang)
Performance improvements in the evaluation of DFT-D3 nuclear hessian contribution
Consistent constrained DFT and SCF convergence criteria (Kevin Carter-Fenk)
NVIDIA GPU computing improvements via interface with BrianQC:
Accelerated force and vibrational frequency computations with range-separated functionals
Accelerated Fock derivative computation in DFT vibrational frequency jobs
Resolved issues with:
buffer overflow in a special case of very large DFT jobs
a special case of crashing unrestricted CIS derivative coupling calculations
evaluation of finite-difference nonlocal correlation orbital Hessian (Yuezhi Mao)
use of AO integrals in general response module
differences in DFT quadrature between Linux and macOS
using ghost atoms in MBD-vdW calculations (Kevin Carter-Fenk, Evgeny Epifanovsky)
using arbitrary density functionals for MBD-vdW and TS-vdW
crashing large CIS state following calculations
SOC constants with unrestricted TDDFT
RI-J/RI-K gradient
DFT hyperpolarizabilities
Features and improvements in correlated methods:
Calculation of electronic g-tensors with CCSD (Sven Kähler, Anna Krylov);
Calculation of electronic circular dichroism (ECD) using EOM-CC (Josefine Andersen, Sonia Coriani)
Evaluation of spin-orbit couplings using CVS-EOM methods, L-edge XAS/XES spectroscopy calculations (Marta Vidal, Pavel Pokhilko, Sonia Coriani)
Feshbach method with EOM-CC states and Coulomb wave expanded in terms of plane wave Gaussian type orbitals (Wojciech Skomorowski)
Improved performance in small to medium CC/EOM jobs via in-core computations
Improvements in projected CAP EOM-CC (James Gayvert)
IP/EA-ADC methods and intermediate state representation (ISR) properties (Adrian Dempwolff, Matthias Schneider, Alexander Paul)
Dramatic speedup of ADC(3) (Adrian Dempwolff)
Improved fourth-order static self-energy for all ADC variants (PP (EE), IP, EA) (Adrian Dempwolff)
Subspace-projected CAP-ADC for all ADC variants (PP (EE), IP, EA) (Adrian Dempwolff)
Evaluation of spin-orbit couplings using RAS-CI and RAS2-SF methods (Abel Carreras, Anna Krylov, David Casanova, Hanjie Jiang, Pavel Pokhilko, Paul M. Zimmerman)
Use of resolution-of-the-identity integrals in LibRASSF-based implementation of RAS-SF (Shannon Houck)
Implementation of the Bloch effective Hamiltonian approach within LibRASSF-based RAS-SF (Shannon Houck)
Experimental implementation of the CC2 and RI-CC2 methods (Garrette Paran, Thomas Jagau)
Implementation of the Brueckner CC2 method (Adam Rettig)
Implementation of direct RPA for the ground state correlation energy (Joonho Lee)
Cubic storage RI-MP3 and Laplace-transformed RI-MP2 and RI-MP3 (Joonho Lee)
Added access to κ-regularized orbital optimized MP2 via METHOD = koomp2
New implementation of v2RDM and v2RDM-CASSCF solvers (Rain Li, Wayne Mullinax, Eugene DePrince, Marcus Liebenthal)
Improved defaults in incremental FCI (Alan Rask)
Experimental implementation of tensor hypercontraction methods (Joonho Lee)
Resolved issues with:
2 GB limit on temporary files in CC/EOM/ADC calculations on Windows
evaluation of analytic gradients of κ-regularized OO-MP2
crashing in fragment excitation difference (FED) calculations due to insufficient memory (Aaditya Manjanath)
crashing in large RI-MP2 calculations
initial guess in EOM-DIP-CCSD calculations
crashing in large RI-CCSD calculations
Features and improvements in molecular dynamics:
New AIMD variable (AIMD_INIT_VELOC_NANO_RANDOM) for better random seeds (Tarek Scheele)
Resolved issues with:
activating vibrational spectra computation in special cases
Features and improvements for large systems, QM/MM, and solvation:
AIRBED: A simplified density functional theory model for physisorption on surfaces (Nick Besley, Stephen Mason)
Resolved issues with:
SM12 crashes with general basis set (Yuezhi Mao)
MM finite difference force calculations
printing of EFG principal components
SM12 gradient
implicit solvation in SCF and DFT response property calculations
requiring explicit derivative level to be set for IEF-PCM frequencies (John Herbert)
RI-MP2 + PCM jobs
out-of-memory error in large SMD jobs
Features and improvements for fragment and energy decomposition analysis methods:
Enable geometry optimization on POL and VFB-CT surfaces in the presence of solvent (Yuezhi Mao)
Enable ALMO-EDA for systems with non-Aufbau electronic configurations (Yuezhi Mao)
Enable the separation of electrostatic and non-electrostatic terms in SMD solvation energy (Yuezhi Mao)
Improve error message when attempting ROHF-based SCFMI and EDA
Improve error message when attempting to use unsupported solvent models with SCFMI and EDA
Control number of subspace vectors and convergence threshold in SAPT CPSCF (Kevin Carter-Fenk)
Improved SAPT+aiDx and SAPT+MBD keywords (Kevin Carter-Fenk)
Resolved issues with:
crashing during large projection-based embedding calculations (Yuezhi Mao)
requiring explicit derivative level to be set for adiabatic EDA geometries and frequencies (Yuezhi Mao)
interoperability between SAPT features and various SAPT basis sets (Kevin Carter-Fenk)
crashing when using SAPT(KS) + cDFT with fragment-based Hirshfeld populations (Kevin Carter-Fenk)
memory usage in XSAPT (Kevin Carter-Fenk, John Herbert)