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10.11 Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD)

10.11.1 Introduction

(April 13, 2024)

The VCD signals in dilute solution in terms of the differential molar extinction coefficient, Δϵ=ϵleft-ϵright, is given by

Δϵ=4γνiαgRgif(νgi,ν), (10.85)


γ=NAπ3375ln(10)hc, (10.86)

NA is Avogadro constant, h is Planck’s constant and c is the speed of light, ν is the frequency of the incident light, and αg is the population of the ground state The quantity Rgi is the rotational strength, with indices g and i represent the ground state and the ith vibrational excited state, respectively; f(νgi is the lineshape function; and νgi is the transition frequency between vibrational states g and i. The rotational strength is given by

Rgi=[𝑷i𝑴i], (10.87)

where [] means the the imaginary part of a complex number, 𝑴i is the vibrational magnetic transition dipole vector, and 𝑷i is the vibrational electric transition dipole vector. The latter can be expressed as

𝑷i=0|𝝁^e|1i=4πνi(Ψg|𝝁^e|ΨgQi)|R0. (10.88)

Ψg denotes the ground state wave function, Qi is the i-h normal mode, and this derivative is evaluated at the equilibrium geometry R0. The quantity

𝝁^e=1+λZλδ(r-Rλ)er (10.89)

is the electric transition dipole operator, where Zλ is the atomic number for atom λ, located at position Rλ.

Since the probability of the 10 transition of the ith normal mode is proportional to the modulus square of the corresponding electric transition dipole, |𝑷i|2, the quantity 𝑷i is evaluated in the frequency subroutine. Suppose the linear transform relation between the normal modes Qi and the atomic Cartesian displacement iis

Xλα=iSλα,iQi (10.90)

where λ is the index for nuclei and α{x,y,z}. Matrix elements Sλα,i define the normal modes and are obtained from a harmonic frequency calculation. We can define the atomic polar tensor (APT) having matrix elements

𝑷λα,β=(Ψg|(𝝁^e)β|Ψg𝑿λα)|R0. (10.91)


𝑷~iβ=4πνiλα𝑷λα,β𝑺λα,i. (10.92)

The quantity 𝑷λα,β can be separated into the nuclear and electronic parts,

𝑷λα,β=𝑵λα,β+𝑬λα,β, (10.93)


𝑵λα,β=Zλeδαβ (10.94)


𝑷λα,β=(Ψg|e𝒓β|Ψg𝑿λα)|R0=2ψg|e𝒓β|ΨgXλα. (10.95)

Similarly, for the vibrational magnetic transition dipole 𝑴~i, we have

𝑴~iβ=0|𝝁^m|1iβ=-4π3νiλα𝑴λα,βSλα,i (10.96)


𝝁^m=e2m(r^×p^) (10.97)

and 𝑴αβλ is the atomic axial tensor (AAT). Moreover,

𝑴λα,β=𝑰λα,β+𝑱λα,β (10.98)


𝑰λα,β=(ΨgXλα)R0|(ΨgHβ)Hβ=0 (10.99)


𝑱λα,β=i4cγϵαβγZλeRλγ. (10.100)

The quantity ϵαβγ is Levi-Civita symbol and Rλγ is some Cartesian component of Rγ (γ{x,y,z}). The derivative of the wavefunction with respect to the external magnetic field Hβ is evaluated with a perturbation H=-𝝁mHβ at the limit of Hβ0. Note that M~i is pure imaginary if real basis functions are used.

The working equation for rotational strength can be expressed as

Rgi=2[β(λα𝑷λα,βSλα,iλα𝑴λα,βSλα,i)] (10.101)

where λ, α, and β are dummy indices for atoms and Cartesian coordinates, respectively. The 𝑰αβλ tensor can be rewritten as

𝑰λα,β=μν(DμνχμXλα|χνHβ+DμνHβχμXλα|χν+DμνXλαχμ|χνHβ+DμνXλα,Hβχμ|χν), (10.102)

defining the intermediate quantities

Dμν =iocccμicνi (10.103a)
DμνHβ =iocccμicνiHβ (10.103b)
DμνXλα =iocccμiXλαcνi (10.103c)
DμνXλα,Hβ =icμiXλαcνiHβ (10.103d)


cνiHβ =cνiHβ|Hβ=0 (10.104a)
cμiXλα =cμiXλα|R0=0 (10.104b)

where χμ,ν are AO basis functions and cμ,νi are MO coefficients. Superscripts of c indicate MO coefficient derivatives with respect to nuclear position and magnetic field. Derivatives of the MO coefficient are obtained by solving CPHF/CPKS equations.

Electric transition dipoles are origin-independent while magnetic transition dipoles are origin-dependent with finite basis sets. In order to obtain origin-independent (gauge-invariant) VCD properties, one can employ the explicit field-dependent GIAO basis functions:

χμ,GIAO(𝑯)=exp[-i2c(𝑯×𝑹μ)𝒓]χμ (10.105)

To extract the VCD properties, one should (at a minimum) carry out a frequency analysis with the system. Several available $rem variables include:


       Controls calculation of the VCD signals. Requires JOBTYPE to be set to FREQ
       FALSE Do not calculate the VCD properties. TRUE Do calculate the VCD properties.


       Controls level of extra print out for the VCD calculations.
       1 Standard full information print out. 2 Electronic part of AAT.
       Use the default.

Example 10.49  An PBE/STO-3G optimization, followed by a VCD calculation.


0 1
 O  -2.5217    0.3747   -0.2628
 C   0.9690    0.2807   -0.4137
 C  -0.2122    0.5268    0.5653
 C   0.5981   -1.2183   -0.5902
 C  -0.0177   -0.5488    1.6588
 C   0.5627   -1.7425    0.8680
 C  -0.8632   -1.1910   -1.1027
 C  -1.3692   -0.0289   -0.2712
 C   0.9102    1.0940   -1.7214
 C   2.3671    0.5229    0.1910
 C  -0.4232    1.9305    1.0788
 H   1.2655   -1.7945   -1.2356
 H  -0.9615   -0.8246    2.1436
 H   0.6774   -0.2257    2.4410
 H   1.5668   -1.9925    1.2263
 H  -0.0563   -2.6395    0.9757
 H  -1.4099   -2.1082   -0.8724
 H  -0.9272   -0.9564   -2.1673
 H   1.1849    2.1396   -1.5401
 H  -0.0766    1.1153   -2.1913
 H   1.6143    0.6876   -2.4563
 H   2.5320    0.0303    1.1519
 H   2.5399    1.5928    0.3537
 H   3.1441    0.1597   -0.4916
 H   0.4499    2.2884    1.6335
 H  -0.6167    2.6304    0.2592
 H  -1.2875    1.9748    1.7507

   JOBTYPE opt
   BASIS sto-3g
   METHOD pbe
point_group_symmetry = False
integral_symmetry = false
   no_reorient true



   JOBTYPE = freq
   BASIS  = sto-3g
point_group_symmetry = False
integral_symmetry = false
   VCD = 1
   VCD_PRINT = 2
   no_reorient true