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5.12 Unconventional DFT Methods

5.12.1 Density-Corrected DFT

(September 1, 2024)

It is well known that self-interaction error (SIE) in DFT leads to over-delocalization of unpaired spins in open-shell molecules. 245 Cohen A. J., Mori-Sanchez P., Yang W.
Chem. Rev.
(2012), 112, pp. 289.
This has a variety of deleterious effects, including overstabilization of three-center, two-electron “hemibonds”, 1070 Rana B., Herbert J. M.
J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
(2021), 12, pp. 8053.
fractional charges in well-separated chemical moieties (i.e., upon dissociation), 1439 Zhang Y., Yang W.
J. Chem. Phys.
(1998), 109, pp. 2604.
, 1112 Ruzsinszky A. et al.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2006), 125, pp. 194112.
and too-low reaction barriers, the latter of which was largely the motivation for the introduction of hybrid density functionals. 819 Lynch B. J., Truhlar D. G.
J. Phys. Chem. A
(2001), 105, pp. 2936.
, 593 Janesko B. G.
Chem. Soc. Rev.
(2021), 50, pp. 8470.
Although various ad hoc self-interaction correction schemes have been introduced over the years, none of them is entirely satisfactory. 593 Janesko B. G.
Chem. Soc. Rev.
(2021), 50, pp. 8470.
Density-corrected (DC-)DFT 1316 Vuckovic S. et al.
J. Chem. Theory Comput.
(2019), 15, pp. 6336.
, 1199 Song S. et al.
J. Chem. Theory Comput.
(2022), 18, pp. 817.
, 1168 Sim E. et al.
J. Am. Chem. Soc.
(2022), 144, pp. 6625.
represents a revival of an old idea 948 Oliphant N., Bartlett R.
J. Chem. Phys.
(1994), 100, pp. 6550.
to avoid SIE by evaluating a DFT functional non-self-consistently using self-consistent Hartree-Fock density, which is SIE-free. Self-consistent iterations at the DFT level are avoided as this would re-introduce SIE into the density. If EDFT[ρ] represents the user’s chosen density functional and EHF[ρ] represents the Hartree-Fock functional, then the DC-DFT energy functional is 1068 Rana B., Beran G. J. O., Herbert J. M.
Mol. Phys.
(2023), 121, pp. e2138789.

EDC-DFT[ρ]=EDFT[argminρ(EHF[ρ])] (5.73)

DC-DFT affords barrier heights that are comparable in accuracy to those obtained with hybrid functionals, even if EDFT[ρ] is a semilocal functional. 592 Janesko B. G., Scuseria G. E.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2008), 128, pp. 244112.
, 1305 Verma P., Bartlett R. J.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2014), 140, pp. 18A534.
, 1069 Rana B., Coons M. P., Herbert J. M.
J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
(2022), 13, pp. 5275.
This does not really reduce the cost of hybrid DFT calculations since the Hartree-Fock calculation must be iterated to self-consistency, nevertheless DC-DFT may serve as a useful diagnostic tool. If the DC-DFT result with a given functional is qualitatively different than the self-consistent DFT result with the same functional, then density-driven SIE may be affecting the results. This diagnostic capacity has been used, for example, to detect unrealistic delocalization of polaron (spin) defects in metal oxides. 1069 Rana B., Coons M. P., Herbert J. M.
J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
(2022), 13, pp. 5275.

Users of Q-Chem’s implementation of DC-DFT are asked to cite Ref.  1069 Rana B., Coons M. P., Herbert J. M.
J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
(2022), 13, pp. 5275.
. Analytic energy gradients for DC-DFT are available, 1069 Rana B., Coons M. P., Herbert J. M.
J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
(2022), 13, pp. 5275.
but because the functional EDC-DFT is not iterated to self-consistency evaluation of the gradient dEDC-DFT/dx requires solution of coupled-perturbed (Z-vector) equations, 1305 Verma P., Bartlett R. J.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2014), 140, pp. 18A534.
, 1069 Rana B., Coons M. P., Herbert J. M.
J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
(2022), 13, pp. 5275.
which makes the gradient somewhat more expensive than a traditional DFT gradient.

Note:  At present, the coupled-perturbed equtions for DC-DFT are solved in serial, meaning that while the SCF iterations are parallelized the Z-vector iterations are not.

To perform a DC-DFT calculation, set use METHOD in the $rem section to select the functional of choice, and also set DC_DFT = TRUE. Note that because EDFT[ρ] is never diagonalized, any subsequent properties that are computed at the end of the SCF procedure are based on the Hartree-Fock density. This includes one-particle energy levels, Mulliken charges, multipole moments, etc.


       Controls whether to use DC-DFT.
       FALSE Do not do DC-DFT. TRUE Iterate the density to self-consistency at the Hartree-Fock level and then perform evaluate EDFT[ρHF] using the functional specified with METHOD.
       Use if desired. Analytic gradients are available but are a serial bottleneck in the present implementation.