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6.8 Size-Consistent Brillouin-Wigner Perturbation Theory

6.8.1 Introduction

(September 1, 2024)

While second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) offers the simplest and most cost-effective ab initio correlation energy, it requires a separate formulation for degenerate states because the MP2 energy diverges in the zero-gap limit. Second-order Brillouin-Wigner perturbation theory (BW2) requires no such reformulation, as the second-order energy given by,

Ec(2)=-14ijab|ij||ab|2Δijab+Ec(2) (6.27)

is finite when the orbital energy gap Δijab=εa+εb-εi-εj is zero due to the presence of the correlation energy in the denominator. However, the BW2 correlation energy is not size-consistent in the sense that it does not satisfy E(AB)=E(A)+E(B) for two distant, noninteracting subsystems A and B, severely limiting its applicability to chemistry.

Recently, Carter-Fenk and Head-Gordon introduced a size-consistent-to-second-order Brillouin-Wigner perturbation theory (BW-s2) that retains this essential property while remaining finite for zero-gap systems. 178 Carter-Fenk K., Head-Gordon M.
J. Chem. Phys.
(2023), 158, pp. 234108.
This theory, based on a repartitioning of the zeroth-order Hamiltonian, results in a slightly-modified amplitude equation. Whereas the MP2 amplitudes can be found by solving,

Δijklabcdtklcd=-ij||ab, (6.28)

the BW-s2 amplitude equation contains a regularizing tensor,

(Δijklabcd+Rijklabcd)tklcd=-ij||ab (6.29)

In the above equations Δijklabcd is composed of Fock matrix elements and reduces to the familiar Δijab when canonical orbitals are used, and

Rijklabcd=α2(Wikδjl+δikWjl)δacδbd (6.30)


Wij=12kab(tikabjk||ab+tjkabik||ab) (6.31)

This form of 𝐖 was chosen because it is size-consistent, leading to a size-consistent BW-s2 correlation energy. Physically, 𝐖 represents the correlation energy of a Koopmans’ (static orbital) ionization process. Thus, the occupied orbitals in BW-s2 are imbued with correlation such that the occupied/virtual gap increases. After rotating the occupied orbitals into a basis where 𝚫+𝑹 is diagonal, the BW-s2 working equation looks like that of MP2,

Ec(2)=-14ijab|ij||ab~|2εa+εb-ε~i-ε~j (6.32)

but the orbitals and corresponding anti-symmetrized two-electron integrals have been rotated into the new basis.

In equation 6.30 there is an implicit parameter α that controls the regularization strength. Initially, this parameter was set to α=1 to obtain the exact result for the two-electron two-orbital system of minimal-basis H2 at the dissociation limit, but α was later tuned to achieve much more accurate results for a wide array of chemical problems ranging from thermochemical properties to noncovalent interaction energies and closed-shell transition-metal reaction energies. 184 Carter-Fenk K., Shee J., Head-Gordon M.

(2023), 159, pp. 171104.
The optimal α value for the resultant BW-s2(α) approach varies somewhat between chemical problems, but was found to be more flexible than gap-dependent regularizer parameters like κ-, σ-, or σ2-MP2. A “universal” parameter of α=4 was suggested as a compromise to achieve the best all-around results for a wide array of chemical properties. 184 Carter-Fenk K., Shee J., Head-Gordon M.

(2023), 159, pp. 171104.