The Maximum Overlap Method (MOM) is a useful alternative to CIS and TDDFT for
obtaining low-cost excited states.
J. Phys. Chem. A
pp. 13164.
It works by modifying
the orbital selection step in the SCF procedure. By choosing orbitals that
most resemble those from the previous cycle, rather than those with the lowest
eigenvalues, non-aufbau, excited-state SCF determinants can be determined,
in what has sometimes been called
excited-state Kohn-Sham theory.
J. Chem. Phys.
pp. 064101.
This represents a form of “SCF” approach to computing excitation energies,
which has advantages over TDDFT is certain cases. For example, TDDFT exhibits systemic
problems with the description of charge-transfer and Rydberg excitations,
both of which can be modeled using the SCF approach. The use of MOM also allows the user
to easily target very high energy states, such as those
involving excitation of core electrons,
J. Chem. Phys.
pp. 124308.
which can be difficult
to capture using other excited state methods. Other SCF approaches are described in
Section 7.8.
In order to calculate an excited state using MOM, the user must correctly identify the orbitals involved in the transition. For example, in a transition, the and orbitals must be identified and this usually requires a preliminary calculation. The user then manipulates the orbital occupancies using the $occupied section, removing an electron from the and placing it in the . The MOM is then invoked to preserve this orbital occupancy. The success of the MOM relies on the quality of the initial guess for the calculation. If the virtual orbitals are of poor quality then the calculation may ‘fall down’ to a lower energy state of the same symmetry. Often the virtual orbitals of the corresponding cation are more appropriate for using as initial guess orbitals for the excited state.
Because the MOM states are single determinants, all of Q-Chem’s existing single determinant properties and derivatives are available. This allows, for example, analytic harmonic frequencies to be computed on excited states. The orbitals from a Hartree-Fock MOM calculation can also be used in an MP2 calculation. For all excited state calculations, it is important to add diffuse functions to the basis set. This is particularly true if Rydberg transitions are being sought. For DFT based methods, it is also advisable to increase the size of the quadrature grid so that the more diffuse densities are accurately integrated.
Due to its single-determinant description, the MOM algorithm for unrestricted SCF calculations of open-shell singlets is often badly spin contaminated. Spin contamination can be alleviated by resorting to a restricted open-shell Kohn-Sham (ROKS) formalism (see Section 7.8.3), in which the objective function is optimized, where is the spin-pure singlet energy, is the energy of the “mixed” (or spin-contaminated) open-shell singlet state, and is the triplet energy. MOM can be used in conjunction with ROKS to evaluate a spin-pure energy for arbitrary open-shell singlet electron configurations (formerly only was accessible within the ROKS formulation).
The MOM-based SCF method can be combined with a PCM based solvation description for both equilibrium and non-equilibrium effects (for more details see Section 7.8.6).
The following $rem is used to invoke the MOM:
Determines when MOM is switched on to preserve orbital occupancies.
MOM is not used
MOM begins on cycle .
For calculations on excited states, an initial calculation without MOM is
usually required to get satisfactory starting orbitals. These orbitals should
be read in setting SCF_GUESS = TRUE and MOM_START = 1.
Determines the target orbitals with which to maximize the overlap on each SCF cycle.
Maximize overlap with the orbitals from the previous SCF cycle.
Maximize overlap with the initial guess orbitals.
If appropriate guess orbitals can be obtained, then IMOM
can provide more reliable convergence to the desired solution.
J. Chem. Theory Comput.
pp. 1501.
Example 7.34 Calculation of the lowest singlet state of CO.
$comment CO spin-purified calculation Step 1: prepare MOs $end $molecule 0 1 C O C 1.05 $end $rem METHOD B3LYP BASIS 6-31G* $end @@@ $comment Step 2: spin purification (OPSING=TRUE) $end $molecule read $end $rem METHOD B3LYP BASIS 6-31G* SCF_GUESS read MOM_START 1 UNRESTRICTED true OPSING true $end $occupied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 $end
Example 7.35 Input for obtaining the A excited state of formamide corresponding to the transition. The A ground state is obtained if MOM is not used in the second calculation. Note the use of diffuse functions and a larger quadrature grid to accurately model the larger excited state.
$molecule 1 2 C H 1 1.091480 O 1 1.214713 2 123.10 N 1 1.359042 2 111.98 3 -180.00 H 4 0.996369 1 121.06 2 -0.00 H 4 0.998965 1 119.25 2 -180.00 $end $rem METHOD B3LYP BASIS 6-311(2+,2+)G(d,p) XC_GRID 000100000194 $end @@@ $molecule 0 1 C H 1 1.091480 O 1 1.214713 2 123.10 N 1 1.359042 2 111.98 3 -180.00 H 4 0.996369 1 121.06 2 -0.00 H 4 0.998965 1 119.25 2 -180.00 $end $rem METHOD B3LYP BASIS 6-311(2+,2+)G(d,p) XC_GRID 000100000194 MOM_START 1 SCF_GUESS read UNRESTRICTED true $end $occupied 1:12 1:11 13 $end
Additionally, it is possible to perform a CIS/TDDFT calculation on top of the MOM excitation. This capability can be useful when modeling pump-probe spectra. In order to run MOM followed by CIS/TDDFT, the $rem variable CIS_N_ROOTS must be specified. Truncated subspaces may also be used, see Section 7.3.2.
Example 7.36 MOM valence excitation followed by core-state TDDFT using a restricted subspace
$molecule 0 1 O 0.0000 0.0000 0.1168 H 0.0000 0.7629 -0.4672 H 0.0000 -0.7629 -0.4672 $end $rem METHOD B3LYP BASIS aug-cc-pvdz INTEGRAL_SYMMETRY false POINT_GROUP_SYMMETRY false $end @@@ $molecule read $end $rem METHOD B3LYP BASIS aug-cc-pvdz SCF_GUESS read MOM_START 1 UNRESTRICTED true CIS_N_ROOTS 5 TRNSS true ! use truncated subspace for TDDFT TRTYPE 3 ! specify occupied orbitals CUTVIR 15 ! truncate high energy virtual orbitals N_SOL 1 ! number core orbitals, specified in $solute section INTEGRAL_SYMMETRY false POINT_GROUP_SYMMETRY false $end $solute 1 $end $occupied 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 6 $end
If the MOM excitation corresponds to a core hole, a reduced subspace must be used to avoid de-excitations to the core hole. The $rem variable CORE_IONIZE allows only the hole to be specified so that not all occupied orbitals need to be entered in the $solute section.
Indicates how orbitals are specified for reduced excitation spaces.
all valence orbitals are listed in $solute section
only hole(s) are specified all other occupations same as ground state
For MOM + TDDFT this specifies the input form of the $solute section. If set
to 1 all occupied orbitals must be specified, 2 only the empty orbitals to
ignore must be specified.
Example 7.37 O(1s) core excited state using MOM followed by excitations among valence orbitals. Note that a reduced excitation subspace must be used to avoid “excitations” into the empty core hole
$molecule 0 1 O 0.0000 0.0000 0.1168 H 0.0000 0.7629 -0.4672 H 0.0000 -0.7629 -0.4672 $end $rem METHOD B3LYP BASIS aug-cc-pvdz INTEGRAL_SYMMETRY false POINT_GROUP_SYMMETRY false $end @@@ $molecule read $end $rem METHOD B3LYP BASIS aug-cc-pvdz SCF_GUESS read MOM_START 1 UNRESTRICTED true CIS_N_ROOTS 5 TRNSS true ! use truncated subspace for TDDFT TRTYPE 3 ! specify occupied orbitals N_SOL 1 ! number core holes, specified in $solute section CORE_IONIZE 2 ! hole orbital specified INTEGRAL_SYMMETRY false POINT_GROUP_SYMMETRY false $end $solute 6 $end $occupied 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 $end