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9.2 Geometry Optimization Job Controls

9.2.6 Libopt3 Job Examples

(April 13, 2024)

Example 9.4  As outlined, the rate of convergence of the iterative optimization process is dependent on a number of factors, one of which is the use of an initial analytic Hessian. This is easily achieved by instructing Q-Chem to calculate an analytic Hessian and proceed then to determine the required critical point. This job runs within Libopt3 driver which retains the reading of analytical Hessian feature.

   0  1
   H  1  oh
   H  1  oh 2 hoh

   oh  = 1.1
   hoh = 104

   JOBTYPE    freq   Calculate an analytic Hessian
   METHOD     hf
   BASIS      6-31g(d)

Now proceed with the optimization making sure to read in the analytic
Hessian (use other available information too).



   JOBTYPE            opt
   METHOD             hf
   BASIS              6-31g(d)
   SCF_GUESS          read
   GEOM_OPT_HESSIAN   read   Have the initial Hessian


LIBOPT3 driver does not require the need for two jobs, as the exact analytic
Hessian can be computed from the optimization job.  LIBOPT3 still retains the
reading of Hessian for users who wish to split the jobs.

   0  1
   H  1  oh
   H  1  oh 2 hoh

   oh  = 1.1
   hoh = 104

   JOBTYPE    opt
   METHOD     hf
   BASIS      6-31g(d)

initial_hessian exact !Start with analytic Hessian

Example 9.5  Libopt3 has the capability to provide recomputation of the Hessian during optimization. This is useful for difficult optimization jobs, but comes with the additional computational cost of calculating Hessians, every N-cycles.

Recompute Hessian during BFGS geometry optimization.

0 1
¯7          3.79442        2.45076       -4.34277
¯6          3.02868        3.04864       -3.23778
¯6          2.04275        1.98420       -2.78714
¯6          2.91776        0.76144       -2.89342
¯6          3.54332        1.00509       -4.25717
¯1          2.53337        3.99823       -3.53031
¯1          3.72326        3.26015       -2.39028
¯1          1.21899        1.90515       -3.53349
¯1          1.60572        2.16457       -1.78197
¯1          2.38404       -0.20872       -2.80429
¯1          3.70935        0.81472       -2.11094
¯1          2.79274        0.75455       -5.04001
¯1          4.45076        0.38822       -4.43647
¯1          4.81196        2.64598       -4.19025

basis sto-3g
exchange hf
jobtype opt

initial_hessian = exact !Start with Exact Hessian
recompute_hessian = recompute  !Recompute Hessian
!recompute_hessian_cycles = 5  !Recompute Hessian every N cycles

Example 9.6  Optimize a structure and then perform vibrational analysis from the recomputed Hessian.

Optimize Ethanol then perform vibrational analysis on final structure.

0 1
¯  1    0.0000000   -0.3967597    2.0821274
¯  6    0.0000000    0.2658586    1.2077483
¯  1   -0.8835614    0.9134896    1.2808899
¯  1    0.8835614    0.9134896    1.2808899
¯  6    0.0000000   -0.5475180   -0.0737199
¯  1    0.8913993   -1.2035918   -0.1244915
¯  1   -0.8913993   -1.2035918   -0.1244915
¯  8    0.0000000    0.3545729   -1.1566766
¯  1    0.0000000   -0.1696628   -1.9456823

basis sto-3g
exchange hf
jobtype opt

hessian_verify = recomputed !Recompute Exact Hessian for verification
final_vibrational_analysis = true !Perform Vibrational Analysis on optimized Hessian

Example 9.7  Libopt3 can read in a user defined topology, rather than using the generated topology.

Read in user defined topology

0 1
  H   -1.6466561   -2.6863748   -0.0117346
  O   -1.7341224   -2.4422496    0.9441588
  O   -1.0688554   -1.3124664    1.0588359
  H   -1.1563217   -1.0683412    2.0147293

   BASIS  =  STO-3G
   METHOD  =  HF

user_topology = read

1 1 2
1 2 3
1 3 4
2 1 3 2
2 2 4 3
4 1 2 3 4

Example 9.8  Libopt3 by default uses an exact Hessian for transition-state optimization, then allows for vibrational analysis which simplifies input.

Spiekermann, K., Pattanaik, L. & Green, W.H. High accuracy barrier heights,
enthalpies, and rate coefficients for chemical reactions. Sci Data 9, 417
(2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01529-6

0 1
O   2.5305032887   0.8317743791  -0.5960924757
C   0.9706549170  -1.0475202256   0.4849601433
C   0.0736956346   0.0205588278   0.3578537226
O   0.3380901377   1.1738635448  -0.0548187766
C  -1.4333878481  -0.2639406922   0.6385105409
O  -2.2647624299   0.6342430978  -0.0273189303
H   2.1688119536   1.6729530969  -0.9456643506
H   0.7400531937  -1.9417236242   1.0627253520
H   1.7833628213  -1.0379315398  -0.2430184134
H  -1.4983286779  -0.1807678096   1.7458032489
H  -1.7266188309  -1.2860204892   0.3661250678
H  -1.7121171597   1.4306544342  -0.1944071290

JOBTYPE                   TS
METHOD                    B3LYP
BASIS                     6-31g*

¯hessian_verify recomputed
¯final_vibrational_analysis true