Changes in default settings:
Renamed rem variable ADIABATIC_CTA to VFB_CTA
Changed ROHF_DIAG_SPEC default from 0 to 2 for ROHF and set GEN_SCFMAN as default ROSCF engine
General improvements:
Added support for the jun-cc-pVDZ basis set (Kevin Carter-Fenk)
New features and improvements in the DFT suite:
TD-DFT analytic force and frequencies for meta-GGA density functionals
Level shifting in DIIS for better SCF convergence in difficult cases (Section 4.5)
M06-SX density functional (Pierpaolo Morgante, Roberto Peverati)
HF-3c method (Bhaskar Rana, John Herbert)
New features and improvements in the CC/EOM-CC package:
Calculation of RIXS and orbital analysis of RIXS transition moments (Kaushik Nanda, Anna Krylov; Section
New features in the CVS-EOM-CC suite (Marta Vidal, Sonia Coriani)
Energies and properties for EOM-DEA-CCSD (Sahil Gulania, Maxim Ivanov, Anna Krylov; Section 7.11.7)
Transition properties and for EOM-DIP-CCSD (Sahil Gulania, Wojciech Skomorowski, Anna Krylov)
New NLO properties (hyperpolarizabilities) in EOM-CC (Kaushik Nanda, Anna Krylov)
New tools for strongly correlated and magnetic systems: Extension of FNO to open-shell references (Pavel Pokhilko, Anna Krylov; Section 7.11.13)
Construction of effective Hamiltonians from EOM-CC wavefunctions (Pavel Pokhilko, Anna Krylov; Section 13.6)
NTO analysis of spin-forbidden transitions (Pavel Pokhilko, Anna Krylov; Section
Search for special points of complex PES (minima, MECP, and exceptional points) within CAP-EOM-CCSD (Zsuzsanna Koczor-Benda, Thomas Jagau)
Voronoi CAP and projected CAP methods (James Gayvert, Ksenia Bravaya; Section 7.11.9)
Two-body Dyson orbitals for computing Auger decay rates and resonance lifetimes (Wojciech Skomorowski, Anna Krylov)
Stability improvements in EOM-CC (Pavel Pokhilko, Anna Krylov)
New features and improvements in MP2 methods:
Geometry optimization with regularized orbital-optimized second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (-OOMP2) (Joonho Lee, Martin Head-Gordon; Section 6.6.6)
New capabilities for intermolecular interactions:
Implementation of the XSAPT+MBD method (Kevin Carter-Fenk, John Herbert)
QM/MM improvements:
L-BFGS algorithm for geometry optimization (Bhaskar Rana, John Herbert)
Harmonic confining potentials (Saswata Dasgupta, John Herbert)
New methods and capabilities:
Nuclear-electronic orbital DFT and TD-DFT methods (Fabian Pavosevic, Zhen Tao, Sharon Hammes-Schiffer)
New module for RAS-SF methods (Shannon Houck, Nick Mayhall)
A family of configuration-interaction methods: non-orthogonal configuration interaction singles (NOCIS), static exchange (STEX), and one-center NOCIS (Katherine Oosterbaan, Martin Head-Gordon)
Integral screening and resolution-of-the-identity capabilities for complex basis functions (Thomas Jagau)
RI-MP2 method for complex basis functions (Mario Hernández Vera, Thomas Jagau; Section 6.6.10)
New method (concentric localization) for truncating the virtual space in projector-based embedding theory (Yuezhi Mao)
Square gradient minimization for excited-state orbital optimization (Diptarka Hait, Martin Head-Gordon)
Resonance Raman spectroscopy simulation (Saswata Dasgupta, John Herbert)
Population analysis of antibonding orbitals (Abdulrahman Aldossary)
Fragment-based diabatization schemes (Yuezhi Mao)
Enabled ghost atoms without basis functions (Bushra Alam, John Herbert)
Electron localization function (Bushra Alam, John Herbert
New input options for wavefunction analysis (Felix Plasser)
New features in the BrianQC GPU module:
Extended support for GPU accelerated DFT exchange-correlation with support for LDA, GGA, and meta-GGA functionals
Partially GPU accelerated DFT frequency calculations