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3.5 Multiple Jobs in a Single File: Q-Chem Batch Jobs

3.5.1 Overview

(April 13, 2024)

It is sometimes useful to place a sequence of jobs into a single Q-Chem input file, where the individual inputs should be separated from one another by a line consisting of the string @@@. The output from these jobs is then appended sequentially to a single output file. This is useful to (a) use information obtained in a prior job (i.e., an optimized geometry) in a subsequent job; or (b) keep related calculations together in a single output file.

Some limitations should be kept in mind:

  • The first job will overwrite any existing output file of the same name in the working directory. Restarting the job will also overwrite any existing file.

  • Q-Chem reads all the jobs from the input file immediately and stores them. Therefore no changes can be made to the details of subsequent jobs following command-line initiation of Q-Chem, even if these subsequent jobs have not yet run.

  • If any single job fails, Q-Chem proceeds to the next job in the batch file, for good or ill.

  • No check is made to ensure that dependencies are satisfied, or that information is consistent. For example, in a geometry optimization followed by a frequency calculation, no attempt is made by the latter to check that the optimization was successful. When reading MO coefficients from a previous job, it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the basis set is the same in both calculations, as this is assumed by the program.

  • Scratch files are saved from one job to the next in a batch job, so that information from previous jobs can be shared with subsequent ones, but are deleted upon completion of the entire batch job unless the –save command-line argument is supplied, as discussed in Chapter 2.

The following example requests a batch job consisting of (i) a HF/6-31G* geometry optimization; followed by (ii) a frequency calculation at the same level of theory that uses the previously-optimized geometry (and also reads in the final MOs from the optimization job); and finally (iii) a single-point calculation at the same geometry but at a higher level of theory, MP2/6-311G(d,p).

Example 3.11  Example of using information from previous jobs in a single input file.

   Optimize H-H at HF/6-31G*

   0 1
   H  1  r

   r = 1.1

   JOBTYPE       opt    Optimize the bond length
   METHOD        hf
   BASIS         6-31G*


   Now calculate the frequency of H-H at the same level of theory.


   JOBTYPE       freq    Calculate vibrational frequency
   METHOD        hf
   BASIS         6-31G*
   SCF_GUESS     read    Read the MOs from disk


  Now a single point calculation at at MP2/6-311G(d,p)//HF/6-31G*


   METHOD        mp2
   BASIS         6-311G(d,p)