Note: All exchange-correlation functionals in this section can be invoked using the $rem variable METHOD. For backwards compatibility, all of the exchange-correlation functionals except for the ones marked with an asterisk can be used with the $rem variable EXCHANGE. Popular and/or recommended functionals within each class are listed first and indicated in bold. The rest are in alphabetical order.
Local Spin-Density Approximation (LSDA)
SPW92*: Slater LSDA exchange + PW92 LSDA correlation
LDA: Slater LSDA exchange + VWN5 LSDA correlation
SVWN5*: Slater LSDA exchange + VWN5 LSDA correlation
Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA)
B97-D3(0): B97-D with a fitted DFT-D3(0) tail instead of the original DFT-D2 tail326
B97-D: 9-parameter dispersion-corrected (DFT-D2) functional by Grimme333
PBE*: PBE GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation
BLYP*: B88 GGA exchange + LYP GGA correlation
revPBE*: revPBE GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation
BEEF-vdW: 31-parameter semi-empirical exchange functional developed via a Bayesian error estimation framework paired with PBE correlation and vdW-DF-10 NLC980
BOP: B88 GGA exchange + BOP “one-parameter progressive” GGA correlation935
BP86*: B88 GGA exchange + P86 GGA correlation
BP86VWN*: B88 GGA exchange + P86VWN5 GGA correlation
BPBE*: B88 GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation
EDF1: Modification of BLYP to give good performance in the 6-31+G* basis set27
EDF2: Modification of B3LYP to give good performance in the cc-pVTZ basis set for frequencies573
GAM: 21-parameter non-separable gradient approximation functional by Truhlar and coworkers1042
HCTH93 (HCTH/93): 15-parameter functional trained on 93 systems by Handy and coworkers339
HCTH120 (HCTH/120): 15-parameter functional trained on 120 systems by Boese et al.103
HCTH147 (HCTH/147): 15-parameter functional trained on 147 systems by Boese et al.103
HCTH407 (HCTH/407): 15-parameter functional trained on 407 systems by Boese and Handy104
HLE16 – HCTH/407 exchange functional enhanced by a factor of 1.25 + HCTH/407 correlation functional enhanced by a factor of 0.5952
KT1: GGA functional designed specifically for shielding constant calculations459
KT2: GGA functional designed specifically for shielding constant calculations459
KT3: GGA functional with improved results for main-group nuclear magnetic resonance shielding constants460
mPW91*: mPW91 GGA exchange + PW91 GGA correlation
N12: 21-parameter non-separable gradient approximation functional by Peverati and Truhlar725
OLYP*: OPTX GGA exchange + LYP GGA correlation
PBEOP: PBE GGA exchange + PBEOP “one-parameter progressive” GGA correlation935
PBEsol*: PBEsol GGA exchange + PBEsol GGA correlation
PW91*: PW91 GGA exchange + PW91 GGA correlation
RPBE*: RPBE GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation
rVV10*: rPW86 GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation + rVV10 non-local correlation807
SOGGA*: SOGGA GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation
SOGGA11: 20-parameter functional by Peverati, Zhao, and Truhlar728
VV10: rPW86 GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation + VV10 non-local correlation963
Meta-Generalized Gradient Approximation (meta-GGA)
B97M-V: 12-parameter combinatorially-optimized, dispersion-corrected (VV10) functional by Mardirossian and Head-Gordon611
B97M-rV*: B97M-V density functional with the VV10 NLC functional replaced by the rVV10 NLC functional614
M06-L: 34-parameter functional by Zhao and Truhlar1059
revM06-L: 31-parameter functional
TPSS*: TPSS meta-GGA exchange + TPSS meta-GGA correlation
revTPSS*: revTPSS meta-GGA exchange + revTPSS meta-GGA correlation
BLOC*: BLOC meta-GGA exchange + TPSSloc meta-GGA correlation
M11-L: 44-parameter dual-range functional by Peverati and Truhlar724
mBEEF: 64-parameter exchange functional paired with the PBEsol correlation functional979
MGGA_MS0: MGGA_MS0 meta-GGA exchange + regTPSS GGA correlation901
MGGA_MS1: MGGA_MS1 meta-GGA exchange + regTPSS GGA correlation898
MGGA_MS2: MGGA_MS2 meta-GGA exchange + regTPSS GGA correlation898
MGGA_MVS: MGGA_MVS meta-GGA exchange + regTPSS GGA correlation899
MN12-L: 58-parameter meta-nonseparable gradient approximation functional by Peverati and Truhlar726
MN15-L: 58-parameter meta-nonseparable gradient approximation functional by Yu, He, and Truhlar1041
oTPSS*: oTPSS meta-GGA exchange + oTPSS meta-GGA correlation
PKZB*: PKZB meta-GGA exchange + PKZB meta-GGA correlation
SCAN*: SCAN meta-GGA exchange + SCAN meta-GGA correlation
t-HCTH (-HCTH): 16-parameter functional by Boese and Handy105
TM*: TM meta-GGA exchange + TM meta-GGA correlation911
VSXC: 21-parameter functional by Voorhis and Scuseria948
Global Hybrid Generalized Gradient Approximation (GH GGA)
PBE0: 25% HF exchange + 75% PBE GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation21
revPBE0: 25% HF exchange + 75% revPBE GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation
B97: Becke’s original 10-parameter density functional with 19.43% HF exchange72
B1LYP: 25% HF exchange + 75% B88 GGA exchange + LYP GGA correlation19
B1PW91: 25% HF exchange + 75% B88 GGA exchange + PW91 GGA correlation19
B3P86: 20% HF exchange + 8% Slater LSDA exchange + 72% B88 GGA exchange+ 19% VWN1RPA LSDA correlation + 81% P86 GGA correlation
B1LYP: 25% HF exchange + 75% B88 GGA exchange + LYP GGA correlation19
B1PW91: 25% HF exchange + 75% B88 GGA exchange + PW91 GGA correlation19
B3P86: 20% HF exchange + 8% Slater LSDA exchange + 72% B88 GGA exchange+ 19% VWN1RPA LSDA correlation + 81% P86 GGA correlation
B3PW91: 20% HF exchange + 8% Slater LSDA exchange + 72% B88 GGA exchange+ 19% PW92 LSDA correlation + 81% PW91 GGA correlation69
B5050LYP: 50% HF exchange + 8% Slater LSDA exchange + 42% B88 GGA exchange + 19% VWN5 LSDA correlation + 81% LYP GGA correlation836
B97-1: Self-consistent parameterization of Becke’s B97 density functional with 21% HF exchange339
B97-2: Re-parameterization of B97 by Tozer and coworkers with 21% HF exchange1004
B97-3: 16-parameter version of B97 by Keal and Tozer with 26.93% HF exchange461
B97-K: Re-parameterization of B97 for kinetics by Boese and Martin with 42% HF exchange106
BHHLYP: 50% HF exchange + 50% B88 GGA exchange + LYP GGA correlation
HFLYP*: 100% HF exchange + LYP GGA correlation
MPW1K: 42.8% HF exchange + 57.2% mPW91 GGA exchange + PW91 GGA correlation598
MPW1LYP: 25% HF exchange + 75% mPW91 GGA exchange + LYP GGA correlation20
MPW1PBE: 25% HF exchange + 75% mPW91 GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation20
MPW1PW91: 25% HF exchange + 75% mPW91 GGA exchange + PW91 GGA correlation20
O3LYP: 11.61% HF exchange + 7.1% Slater LSDA exchange + 81.33% OPTX GGA exchange + 19% VWN5 LSDA correlation + 81% LYP GGA correlation386
PBEh-3c: Low-cost composite scheme of Grimme and coworkers for use with the def2-mSVP basis set only327
PBE50: 50% HF exchange + 50% PBE GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation86
SOGGA11-X: 21-parameter functional with 40.15% HF exchange by Peverati and Truhlar722
WC04: Hybrid density functional optimized for the computation of C chemical shifts997
WP04: Hybrid density functional optimized for the computation of H chemical shifts997
X3LYP: 21.8% HF exchange + 7.3% Slater LSDA exchange + 54.24% B88 GGA exchange + 16.66% PW91 GGA exchange + 12.9% VWN1RPA LSDA correlation + 87.1% LYP GGA correlation1029
Global Hybrid Meta-Generalized Gradient Approximation (GH meta-GGA)
M06-2X: 29-parameter functional with 54% HF exchange by Zhao and Truhlar1063
M08-HX: 47-parameter functional with 52.23% HF exchange by Zhao and Truhlar1062
TPSSh: 10% HF exchange + 90% TPSS meta-GGA exchange + TPSS meta-GGA correlation871
revTPSSh: 10% HF exchange + 90% revTPSS meta-GGA exchange + revTPSS meta-GGA correlation199
B1B95: 28% HF exchange + 72% B88 GGA exchange + B95 meta-GGA correlation71
BB1K: 42% HF exchange + 58% B88 GGA exchange + B95 meta-GGA correlation1054
BMK: Boese-Martin functional for kinetics with 42% HF exchange106
dlDF: Dispersion-less density functional (based on the M05-2X functional form) by Szalewicz and coworkers720
M05: 22-parameter functional with 28% HF exchange by Zhao, Schultz, and Truhlar1055
M05-2X: 19-parameter functional with 56% HF exchange by Zhao, Schultz, and Truhlar1056
M06: 33-parameter functional with 27% HF exchange by Zhao and Truhlar1063
revM06: 32-parameter functional with 40.41% HF exchange970
M06-HF: 32-parameter functional with 100% HF exchange by Zhao and Truhlar1060
M08-SO: 44-parameter functional with 56.79% HF exchange by Zhao and Truhlar1062
MGGA_MS2h: 9% HF exchange + 91 % MGGA_MS2 meta-GGA exchange + regTPSS GGA correlation898
MGGA_MVSh: 25% HF exchange + 75 % MGGA_MVS meta-GGA exchange + regTPSS GGA correlation899
MN15: 59-parameter functional with 44% HF exchange by Truhlar and coworkers1040
MPW1B95: 31% HF exchange + 69% mPW91 GGA exchange + B95 meta-GGA correlation1057
MPWB1K: 44% HF exchange + 56% mPW91 GGA exchange + B95 meta-GGA correlation1057
PW6B95: 6-parameter combination of 28 % HF exchange, 72 % optimized PW91 GGA exchange, and re-optimized B95 meta-GGA correlation by Zhao and Truhlar1058
PWB6K: 6-parameter combination of 46 % HF exchange, 54 % optimized PW91 GGA exchange, and re-optimized B95 meta-GGA correlation by Zhao and Truhlar1058
SCAN0: 25% HF exchange + 75% SCAN meta-GGA exchange + SCAN meta-GGA correlation401
t-HCTHh (-HCTHh): 17-parameter functional with 15% HF exchange by Boese and Handy105
TPSS0: 25% HF exchange + 75% TPSS meta-GGA exchange + TPSS meta-GGA correlation331
Range-Separated Hybrid Generalized Gradient Approximation (RSH GGA)
wB97X-V (B97X-V): 10-parameter combinatorially-optimized, dispersion-corrected (VV10) functional with 16.7% SR HF exchange, 100% LR HF exchange, and 610
wB97X-D3 (B97X-D3): 16-parameter dispersion-corrected (DFT-D3(0)) functional with 19.57% SR HF exchange, 100% LR HF exchange, and 575
wB97X-D (B97X-D): 15-parameter dispersion-corrected (DFT-CHG) functional with 22.2% SR HF exchange, 100% LR HF exchange, and 160
CAM-B3LYP: Coulomb-attenuating method functional by Handy and coworkers1031
CAM-QTP00: Re-parameterized CAM-B3LYP designed to satisfy the IP-theorem for all occupied orbitals of the water molecule951
CAM-QTP01: Re-parameterized CAM-B3LYP optimized to satisfy the valence IPs of the water molecule, 34 excitation states, and G2-1 atomization energies430
LC-rVV10*: LC-VV10 density functional with the VV10 NLC functional replaced by the rVV10 NLC functional614
LC-VV10: 0% SR HF exchange + 100% LR HF exchange + PBE GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation + VV10 non-local correlation (=0.45)963
LC-wPBE08 (LC-PBE08): 0% SR HF exchange + 100% LR HF exchange + PBE GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation (=0.45)978
LRC-BOP (LRC-BOP): 0% SR HF exchange + 100% LR HF exchange + muB88 GGA exchange + BOP GGA correlation (=0.47)864
LRC-wPBE (LRC-PBE): 0% SR HF exchange + 100% LR HF exchange + PBE GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation (=0.3)796
LRC-wPBEh (LRC-PBEh): 20% SR HF exchange + 100% LR HF exchange + 80% PBE GGA exchange + PBE GGA correlation (=0.2)797
N12-SX: 26-parameter non-separable GGA with 25% SR HF exchange, 0% LR HF exchange, and 727
rCAM-B3LYP: Re-fit CAM-B3LYP with the goal of minimizing many-electron self-interaction error183
wB97 (B97): 13-parameter functional with 0% SR HF exchange, 100% LR HF exchange, and 159
wB97X (B97X): 14-parameter functional with 15.77% SR HF exchange, 100% LR HF exchange, and 159
wB97X-rV* (B97X-rV): B97X-V density functional with the VV10 NLC functional replaced by the rVV10 NLC functional614
Range-Separated Hybrid Meta-Generalized Gradient Approximation (RSH meta-GGA)
wB97M-V (B97M-V): 12-parameter combinatorially-optimized, dispersion-corrected (VV10) functional with 15% SR HF exchange, 100% LR HF exchange, and 612
M11: 40-parameter functional with 42.8% SR HF exchange, 100% LR HF exchange, and 723
revM11: 22-parameter functional with 22.5% SR HF exchange, 100% LR HF exchange, and 953
MN12-SX: 58-parameter non-separable meta-GGA with 25% SR HF exchange, 0% LR HF exchange, and 727
wB97M-rV* (B97X-rV): B97M-V density functional with the VV10 NLC functional replaced by the rVV10 NLC functional614
wM05-D (M05-D): 21-parameter dispersion-corrected (DFT-CHG) functional with 36.96% SR HF exchange, 100% LR HF exchange, and 576
wM06-D3 (M06-D3): 25-parameter dispersion-corrected [DFT-D3(0)] functional with 27.15% SR HF exchange, 100% LR HF exchange, and 575
Double Hybrid Generalized Gradient Approximation (DH GGA)
Note: In order to use the resolution-of-the-identity approximation for the MP2 component, specify an auxiliary basis set with the $rem variable AUX_BASIS
DSD-PBEPBE-D3: 68% HF exchange + 32% PBE GGA exchange + 49% PBE GGA correlation + 13% SS MP2 correlation + 55% OS MP2 correlation with DFT-D3(BJ) tail494
wB97X-2(LP) (B97X-2(LP)): 13-parameter functional with 67.88% SR HF exchange, 100% LR HF exchange, 58.16% SS MP2 correlation, 47.80% OS MP2 correlation, and 161
wB97X-2(TQZ) (B97X-2(TQZ)): 13-parameter functional with 63.62% SR HF exchange, 100% LR HF exchange, 52.93% SS MP2 correlation, 44.71% OS MP2 correlation, and 161
XYG3: 80.33% HF exchange - 1.4% Slater LSDA exchange + 21.07% B88 GGA exchange + 67.89% LYP GGA correlation + 32.11% MP2 correlation (evaluated with B3LYP orbitals)1052
XYGJ-OS: 77.31% HF exchange + 22.69% Slater LSDA exchange + 23.09% VWN1RPA LSDA correlation + 27.54% LYP GGA correlation + 43.64% OS MP2 correlation (evaluated with B3LYP orbitals)1046
B2PLYP: 53% HF exchange + 47% B88 GGA exchange + 73% LYP GGA correlation + 27% MP2 correlation332
B2GPPLYP: 65% HF exchange + 35% B88 GGA exchange + 64% LYP GGA correlation + 36% MP2 correlation456
DSD-PBEP86-D3: 69% HF exchange + 31% PBE GGA exchange + 44% P86 GGA correlation + 22% SS MP2 correlation + 52% OS MP2 correlation with DFT-D3(BJ) tail494
LS1DH-PBE: 75% HF exchange + 25% PBE GGA exchange + 57.8125% PBE GGA correlation + 42.1875% MP2 correlation927
PBE-QIDH: 69.3361% HF exchange + 30.6639% PBE GGA exchange + 66.6667% PBE GGA correlation + 33.3333% MP2 correlation119
PBE0-2: 79.37% HF exchange + 20.63% PBE GGA exchange + 50% PBE GGA correlation + 50% MP2 correlation162
PBE0-DH: 50% HF exchange + 50% PBE GGA exchange + 87.5% PBE GGA correlation + 12.5% MP2 correlation118
Double Hybrid Meta-Generalized Gradient Approximation (DH MGGA)
wB97M(2): 14-parameter functional form by wB97M-V + MP2 correlation.613
PTPSS-D3: 50% HF exchange + 50% Re-Fit TPSS meta-GGA exchange + 62.5% Re-Fit TPSS meta-GGA correlation + 37.5% OS MP2 correlation with DFT-D3(0) tail314
DSD-PBEB95-D3: 66% HF exchange + 34% PBE GGA exchange + 55% B95 GGA correlation + 9% SS MP2 correlation + 46% OS MP2 correlation with DFT-D3(BJ) tail494
PWPB95-D3: 50% HF exchange + 50% Re-Fit PW91 GGA exchange + 73.1% Re-Fit B95 meta-GGA correlation + 26.9% OS MP2 correlation with DFT-D3(0) tail314