int_type | 0 | Compute only |
1 | Compute only | |
2 | Compute only | |
3 | Compute , and | |
4 | Compute and | |
5 | Compute and | |
6 | Compute and | |
u_points | Number of points, start, end. | |
v_points | Number of points, start, end. | |
moments | 0–4 | Order of moments to be computed ( only). |
derivs | 0–4 | order of derivatives to be computed ( only). |
accuracy | ( specify accuracy of intracule interpolation table ( only). |
Example 11.15 Compute HF/STO-3G , and for Ne, using Lebedev quadrature with 974 point grid.
$molecule 0 1 Ne $end $rem METHOD hf BASIS sto-3g INTRACULE true WIG_LEB true WIG_GRID 974 $end $intracule int_type 3 u_points 10 0.0 10.0 v_points 8 0.0 8.0 moments 4 derivs 4 accuracy 8 $end
Example 11.16 Compute HF/6-31G intracules for HO using series summation up to =25 and 30 terms in the series evaluations of and .
$comment Note only a few points are calculated in this sample $end $molecule 0 1 H1 O H1 r H2 O r H1 theta r = 1.1 theta = 106 $end $rem METHOD hf BASIS 6-31G INTRACULE true WIG_MEM true N_WIG_SERIES 25 N_I_SERIES 40 N_J_SERIES 50 $end $intracule int_type 2 u_points 2 0.0 15.0 v_points 2 0.0 10.0 $end