Q-Chem 5.1 User’s Manual

10.4 Potential Energy Scans

It is often useful to scan the potential energy surface (PES), optimizing all other degrees of freedom for each particular value of the scanned variable(s). Such a “relaxed” scan may provide a rough estimate of a pathway between reactant and product—assuming the coordinate(s) for the scan has been chosen wisely—and is often used in development of classical force fields to optimize dihedral angle parameters. Ramachandran plots, for example, are key tools for studying conformational changes of peptides and proteins, and are essentially two-dimensional torsional scans.

In certain cases, relaxed scans might encounter some difficulties on optimizations. A “frozen” scan can be easier to perform because of no geometry optimizations although it provides less information of real dynamics.

Q-Chem supports one- and two-dimensional PES scans, by setting JOBTYPE equal to PES_SCAN in the $rem section. In addition, a $scan input section with the following format should be specified, in the format below but with no more than two bond-length, bond-angle, or torsional variables specified.

stre  atom1  atom2  value1 value2 incr
bend  atom1  atom2  atom3  value1 value2 incr
tors  atom1  atom2  atom3  atom4  value1 value2 incr

The first example below demonstrates how to scan the torsional potential of butane, which is a sequence of constrained optimizations with the C1–C2–C3–C4 dihedral angle fixed at $-$180$^\circ $, $-$165$^\circ $, $-$150$^\circ $, $\ldots $, 165$^\circ $, 180$^\circ $.

Example 10.217  One-dimensional torsional scan of butane

   0 1
   C       1.934574    -0.128781    -0.000151
   C       0.556601     0.526657     0.000200
   C      -0.556627    -0.526735     0.000173
   C      -1.934557     0.128837    -0.000138
   H       2.720125     0.655980    -0.000236
   H       2.061880    -0.759501    -0.905731
   H       2.062283    -0.759765     0.905211
   H       0.464285     1.168064    -0.903444
   H       0.464481     1.167909     0.903924
   H      -0.464539    -1.167976     0.903964
   H      -0.464346    -1.168166    -0.903402
   H      -2.062154     0.759848     0.905185
   H      -2.720189    -0.655832    -0.000229
   H      -2.061778     0.759577    -0.905748

   JOBTYPE  pes_scan
   METHOD   hf
   BASIS    sto-3g

   tors 1 2 3 4 -180 180 15

The next example is a two-dimension potential scan. The first dimension is a scan of the C1–C2–C3–C4 dihedral angle from $-$180$^\circ $ to 180$^\circ $ degree in 30$^\circ $ intervals; the second dimension is a scan of the C2–C3 bond length from 1.5 Å to 1.6 Å in 0.05 Å increments.

Example 10.218  Two-dimensional torsional scan of butane

   0 1
   C       1.934574    -0.128781    -0.000151
   C       0.556601     0.526657     0.000200
   C      -0.556627    -0.526735     0.000173
   C      -1.934557     0.128837    -0.000138
   H       2.720125     0.655980    -0.000236
   H       2.061880    -0.759501    -0.905731
   H       2.062283    -0.759765     0.905211
   H       0.464285     1.168064    -0.903444
   H       0.464481     1.167909     0.903924
   H      -0.464539    -1.167976     0.903964
   H      -0.464346    -1.168166    -0.903402
   H      -2.062154     0.759848     0.905185
   H      -2.720189    -0.655832    -0.000229
   H      -2.061778     0.759577    -0.905748

   JOBTYPE  pes_scan
   METHOD   hf
   BASIS    sto-3g

   tors 1 2 3 4 -180 180 30
   stre 2 3 1.5 1.6 0.05

To perform a frozen PES scan, set FROZEN_SCAN to be TRUE and use input geometry in Z-matrix format. The example demonstrates a frozen PES of the C1–C2 bond stretching from 1.0 Åto 2.0 Åfor methanol.

Example 10.219  One-dimensional frozen PES scan of methanol

0 1
 X  C 1.0a O XCO  H1 180.0
 H2 C RCH2 X H2CX H1 90.0
 H3 C RCH2 X H2CX H1 -90.0
 H4 O ROH  C HOC  H1 180.0

 RCO = 1.421
 RCH1 = 1.094
 RCH2 = 1.094
 ROH = 0.963
 H1CO = 107.2
 XCO = 129.9
 H2CX = 54.25
 HOC = 108.0

 jobtype      pes_scan
 frozen_scan  true 
 exchange     s
 correlatoin  vwn
 basis        3-21g

 stre 1 2 1.0 2.0 0.5

Q-Chem also supports one-dimensional restrained PES scan for transition state search of typical S$_{\rm N}$2 reactions. The geometry restrains are

  \begin{equation}  k\left(R_{12} \pm R_{34} - R\right)^{2}, \end{equation}   (10.1)

which is a harmonic potential applied to bias geometry optimization. $R_{12}$ and $R_{34}$ are two bond lengths in the reaction coordinate. $R$ constrains the range of $R_{12} \pm R_{34}$, and $k$ is a force constant. To perform a restrained PES scan, the following format should be specified.

 r12mr34  atom1  atom2  atom3  atom4  Rmin  Rmax  incr  force_constant
 r12pr34  atom1  atom2  atom3  atom4  Rmin  Rmax  incr  force_constant

Example 10.220  One-dimensional restrained PES scan of chloromethane SN2 reaction

-1 1
 C    0.418808  -1.240869   0.249048
 Cl  -0.775224  -1.495584   1.586668
 H    1.408172  -1.490565   0.631227
 H    0.147593  -1.907736  -0.568952
 H    0.413296  -0.199000  -0.092071
 Cl   1.947359   1.619163  -1.747832

 jobtype pes_scan
 exchange b3lyp
 basis 6-31G*

 r12mr34 1 2 1 6 -2.0 2.0 0.2 1000.0