Q-Chem 5.1 User’s Manual

C.1 Q-Chem Text Input Summary

C.1.1 Keyword: $molecule

Four methods are available for inputing geometry information:

C.1.2 Keyword: $rem

See also the list of $rem variables at the end of this Appendix. The general format is:

   REM_VARIABLE   VALUE   [optional comment]

C.1.3 Keyword: $basis

The format for the user–defined basis section is as follows:










$\alpha _1$

$C_1^{L_{min}} $


$\ldots $



$\alpha _2$

$C_2^{L_{min}} $


$\ldots $



$\vdots $

$\vdots $

$\vdots $

$\ddots $

$\vdots $


$\alpha _ K$

$C_ K^{L_{min}} $

$C_ K^{L_{min}+1}$

$\ldots $

$C_ K^{L_{max}}$






Atomic symbol of the atom (atomic number not accepted)


Angular momentum symbol (S, P, SP, D, F, G)


Degree of contraction of the shell (integer)


Scaling to be applied to exponents (default is 1.00)

$a_ i$

Gaussian primitive exponent (positive real number)

$C_ i^ L$

Contraction coefficient for each angular momentum (non–zero real numbers).

Atoms are terminated with **** and the complete basis set is terminated with the $end keyword terminator. No blank lines can be incorporated within the general basis set input. Note that more than one contraction coefficient per line is one required for compound shells like SP. As with all Q-Chem input deck information, all input is case–insensitive.

C.1.4 Keyword: $comment

Note that the entire input deck is echoed to the output file, thus making the $comment keyword largely redundant.

   User comments - copied to output file

C.1.5 Keyword: $ecp

For each atom that will bear an ECP
Chemical symbol for the atom
ECP name; the $L$ value for the ECP; number of core electrons removed
For each ECP component (in the order unprojected, $\hat{P}_0 $, $\hat{P}_1 $, , $\hat{P}_{L-1} $
The component name
The number of Gaussians in the component
For each Gaussian in the component
The power of $r$; the exponent; the contraction coefficient

Note: (1) All of the information in the $ecp block is case–insensitive.
(2) The $L$ value may not exceed 4. That is, nothing beyond $G$ projectors is allowed.
(3) The power of $r$ (which includes the Jacobian $r^2$ factor) must be 0, 1 or 2.

C.1.6 Keyword: $empirical_dispersion

S6 S6_value
D D_value
C6 element_1 C6_value_for_element_1 element_2 C6_value_for_element_2
VDW_RADII element_1 radii_for_element_1 element_2 radii_for_element_2

Note: This section is only for values that the user wants to change from the default values recommended by Grimme.

C.1.7 Keyword: $external_charges

All input should be given in atomic units.

Update: While charges should indeed be listed in atomic units, the units for distances depend on the user input. If the structure is specified in Ångstroms (the default), the coordinates for external charges should also be in Ångstroms. If the structure is specified in atomic units, the coordinates for external charges should also be in atomic units. (See INPUT_BOHR.)

   x-coord1   y-coord1   z-coord1   charge1
   x-coord2   y-coord2   z-coord2   charge2

C.1.8 Keyword: $intracule




Compute $P(u)$ only



Compute $M(v)$ only



Compute $W(u,v)$ only



Compute $P(u)$, $M(v)$ and $W(u,v)$



Compute $P(u)$ and $M(v)$



Compute $P(u)$ and $W(u,v)$



Compute $M(v)$ and $W(u,v)$



Number of points, start, end.



Number of points, start, end.



Order of moments to be computed ($P(u)$ only).



order of derivatives to be computed ($P(u)$ only).



($10^{-n})$ specify accuracy of intracule interpolation table ($P(u)$ only).


C.1.9 Keyword: $isotopes

Note that masses should be given in atomic units.

   number_extra_loops  tp_flag
      number_of_atoms  [temp pressure]
      atom_number1 mass1
      atom_number2 mass2

C.1.10 Keyword: $multipole_field

Multipole fields are all in atomic units.

   field_component1   value1
   field_component2   value2

C.1.11 Keyword: $nbo

Refer to Chapter 11 and the NBO manual for further information. Note that the NBO $rem variable must be set to ON to initiate the NBO package.

   [ NBO options ]

C.1.12 Keyword: $occupied

   1  2  3  4 ...  nalpha
   1  2  3  4 ...  nbeta  

C.1.13 Keyword: $opt

Note that units are in Ångstroms and degrees. Also see the summary in the next section of this Appendix.

stre  atom1  atom2  value
bend  atom1  atom2  atom3  value
outp  atom1  atom2  atom3  atom4  value
tors  atom1  atom2  atom3  atom4  value
linc  atom1  atom2  atom3  atom4  value
linp  atom1  atom2  atom3  atom4  value

atom   coordinate_reference

idum   type   list_length   defining_list

atom   list_length   list

C.1.14 Keyword: $svp


For example, the section may look like this:

    RHOISO=0.001, DIELST=78.39, NPTLEB=110

C.1.15 Keyword: $svpirf

    <# point> <x point> <y point> <z point> <charge> <grid weight>
    <# point> <x normal> <y normal> <z normal>

C.1.16 Keyword: $plots

One comment line
Specification of the 3–D mesh of points on 3 lines:
$N_ x\quad x_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{min}}}\quad x_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{max}}}$
$N_ y\quad y_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{min}}}\quad y_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{max}}}$
$N_ z\quad z_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{min}}}\quad z_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{max}}}$
A line with 4 integers indicating how many things to plot:
$N_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{MO}}}\quad N_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{Rho}}}\quad N_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{Trans}}}\quad N_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{DA}}}$
An optional line with the integer list of MO’s to evaluate (only if $N_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{MO}}} > 0$)
MO(1)  MO(2) $\ldots $ MO($N_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{MO}}}$)
An optional line with the integer list of densities to evaluate (only if $N_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{Rho}}} > 0$)
Rho(1)  Rho(2) $\ldots $ Rho($N_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{Rho}}}$)
An optional line with the integer list of transition densities (only if $N_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{Trans}}}> 0$)
Trans(1)  Trans(2) $\ldots $ Trans($N_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{Trans}}}$)
An optional line with states for detachment/attachment densities (if $N_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{DA}}} > 0$)
DA(1)  DA(2) $\ldots $ DA($N_{\ensuremath{\mathrm{DA}}}$)

C.1.17 Keyword: $localized_diabatization

One comment line.
One line with an an array of adiabatic states to mix together.
$<adiabat1> \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  <adiabat2> \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  <adiabat3>$ $\ldots $

Note:  We count adiabatic states such that the first excited state is $<adiabat> = 1$, the fifth is $<adiabat> = 5$, and so forth.

C.1.18 Keyword: $van_der_waals

Note: All radii are given in Ångstroms.

   atomic_number   VdW_radius

(alternative format)

   sequential_atom_number   VdW_radius 

C.1.19 Keyword: $xc_functional

   X  exchange_symbol  coefficient
   X  exchange_symbol  coefficient
   C  correlation_symbol  coefficient
   C  correlation_symbol  coefficient
   K  coefficient