The Q-Chem output file is the file to which details of the job invoked by the user are printed. The type of information printed to this files depends on the type of job (single point energy, geometry optimization etc.) and the $rem variable print levels. The general and default form is as follows:
Q-Chem citation
User input (echoed for record-keeping purposes)
Molecular geometry in Cartesian coordinates
Molecular point group, nuclear repulsion energy, number of alpha and beta electrons
Basis set information (number of functions, shells and function pairs)
SCF details (method, guess, optimization procedure)
SCF iterations (for each iteration, energy and DIIS error is reported)
Post-Hartree–Fock calculation results([if applicable)
Excited-state calculation results (if applicable)
Molecular orbital symmetries and energies
Wavefunction analysis
Job completion
Note: Q-Chem overwrites any existing output files in the working directory when it is invoked with an existing file as the output file parameter.