13.4 The Nuclear-electronic Orbital (NEO) Approach: Integrating Electronic and Nuclear Quantum Effects in Quantum Chemistry

13.4.5 Examples

Example 13.8  Input for the NEO-HF calculation on H2O molecule with the second proton treated quantum-mechanically. The electronic basis set is cc-pVDZ and the protonic is an uncontracted 2s2p2d basis set with exponents 4.0 and 8.0.

0 1
  H   -3.5008791    1.2736107    0.7596000
  O   -3.9840791    1.3301107   -0.0574000
  H   -4.9109791    1.2967107    0.1521000

input_bohr = false
method = hf
basis = cc-pvdz
neo = true

H    3
S    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0
S    1    1.000000
   8.0 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   8.0 1.0
D    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0
D    1    1.000000
   8.0 1.0

Example 13.9  Input for the NEO-DFT-epc172 geometry optimization calculation of all centers on CH2O molecule with both protons treated quantum-mechanically. The electronic exchange-correlation functional is PBE0. The electronic basis set is STO-3G and the protonic is an uncontracted 1s1p basis set with exponents 4.0. This calculation utilizes DFT grid with 99 radial and 302 spherical quadrature points along with the DIIS algorithm.

0 1
C        0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
O        0.000000    0.000000    1.220000
H        0.935307    0.0000000  -0.5400000
H       -0.935307    0.000000   -0.540000

input_bohr = false
method = pbe0
basis = sto-3g
neo = true
neo_epc = epc172
sym_ignore = 1
scf_convergence 11
max_scf_cycles 100
xc_grid = 000099000302

H    3
S    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0
H    4
S    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0

Example 13.10  Input for the NEO-DFT-epc19 geometry optimization calculation of the NEO center only on open-shell OH radical molecule with a proton treated quantum-mechanically. The electronic exchange-correlation functional is PBE0. The electronic basis set is 6-31G and the protonic is an uncontracted 1s1p basis set with exponents 4.0. This calculation utilizes DFT grid with 99 radial and 230 spherical quadrature points along with the DIIS algorithm.

0 2
O -4.51141442087211e+00  1.26487797724338e+00 -0.00000000000000e+00
H -2.73932450304982e+00  1.86612287877458e+00 -0.00000000000000e+00

input_bohr = true
method = pbe0
unrestricted = true
basis = 6-31g
neo = true
sym_ignore = 1
scf_convergence 6
max_scf_cycles 100
neo_epc = epc19
xc_grid = 000099000230


H    2
S    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0

Example 13.11  Input for the NEO-TDDFT-epc19 calculation on CH2O molecule (both protons treated quantum-mechanically) of the first five roots obtained with the Davidson algorithm. The electronic exchange-correlation functional is PBE0. The electronic basis set is STO-3G and the protonic is an uncontracted 1s1p basis set with exponents 4.0. This calculation utilizes DFT grid with 99 radial and 302 spherical quadrature points.

0 1
C        0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
O        0.000000    0.000000    1.220000
H        0.935307    0.0000000  -0.5400000
H       -0.935307    0.000000   -0.540000

method = pbe0
basis = sto-3g
thresh = 14
xc_grid = 000099000302
s2thresh = 12
neo = true
neo_epc = epc172
RPA = true

H    3
S    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0
H    4
S    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0

Example 13.12  Input for the NEO-TDHF calculation on the FDF- molecule treating quantum nuclei as deuterium and employing NO_VPP option. The electronic basis set is cc-pVDZ and the protonic is an uncontracted even-tempered 8s8p basis set.

-1 1
F 0.0 0.0 -1.1229874446
F 0.0 0.0  1.1229874446
H 0.0 0.0  0.0

input_bohr = false
method = hf
neo = true
basis = cc-pvdz
RPA = true
thresh = 14
s2thresh = 12

H    3
S    1    1.000000
   2.828400 1.0
S    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0
S    1    1.000000
   5.6569 1.0
S    1    1.000000
   8.0 1.0
S    1    1.000000
   11.3137 1.0
S    1    1.000000
   16.0 1.0
S    1    1.000000
   22.6274 1.0
S    1    1.000000
   32.0 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   2.828400 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   4.0 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   5.6569 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   8.0 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   11.3137 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   16.0 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   22.6274 1.0
P    1    1.000000
   32.0 1.0