4.8 Hartree-Fock and Density-Functional Perturbative Corrections

4.8.3 Examples

Example 4.21  Input for a HFPC single-point calculation.

   0 1
   H   1   0.75

   JOBTYPE      sp
   EXCHANGE     hf
   BASIS        cc-pVDZ  ! primary basis
   HFPT_BASIS   cc-pVQZ  ! secondary basis
   PURECART     1111     ! set to purecart of the target basis
   HFPT         true

Example 4.22  Input for a DFPC single-point calculation.

   0 1
   H   1   0.75

   JOBTYPE          sp
   METHOD           blyp               ! primary functional
   DFPT_EXCHANGE    b3lyp              ! secondary functional
   DFPT_XC_GRID     00075000302        ! secondary grid
   XC_GRID          0                  ! primary grid
   HFPT_BASIS       6-311++G(3df,3pd)  ! secondary basis
   BASIS            6-311G*            ! primary basis
   PURECART         1111
   HFPT             true